25th Anniversary: Graduation, Family Day and Children's Day Celebration

Thursday, April 30, 2009



Wednesday, April 29, 2009


jh的fun Reading 书本给妹妹撕了,几乎要分成两半了。
每次, 我都重复又重复地提醒+警告:“叫mummy把你的书本黏好!”
他说:“我mummy不要帮我黏...” 很无奈的样子。
“烂的书,如果不要黏好,叫mummy来见我!” 我生气说道。

不然,他知道... 下一回,他又会被中骂的。

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

mosquito bites

rubenesh is a fast learner. From his totally tamil mother tongue; now he is able to express well in english.
the longest continued-words he can speak: "mosquito bites"
whenever he feels itchy, and had rashes on his body, he would tell that it was "mosquito bites". He even pointed to my face --- my pimples and blemishes, and said, "mosquito bites."

Monday, April 27, 2009


今天是我第一天给4岁玩的一个fine-motor skill activity --- 夹筷子。
almost every time i forgot to take photo for their activities shots.
结果搞到临时charge batteries, 玩了一次又再重复一次;就是为了要拍他们活动时的照片。真的是很特地也!

Friday, April 24, 2009


I have an idea of a short drama play for the concert performance, and i get kk n gareth to be the two character voices.
we did the recording while practising the dialogs. So, all the voices including the background noise, my correction, "try again", "again" etc. All heard during the playback.
It's funny to listen to my own voice, especially not the kind of sincere voice.
now, i know why my voice can be so scary to them.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

bryan 人小鬼大

bryan 是班上体格最高,蛮壮的年头孩子。
有时却看见他念念我教他的tricks。 其实他比他哥用心;只是有时他力不从心。


Wednesday, April 22, 2009


园长觉得莫名其妙, “几时让他玩水啦?”
原来... 原来是阿翔昨天尿床,裤子都湿了。 爷爷难道以为他是玩水,玩湿了裤子?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


i was glad, once i've complete teaching them the dances' steps.
now i'm worrying: they still can't be independent performing the steps without my guides.

"after 4 months practice, why they still can't remember the steps??"
"because they're not practicing them daily."

Monday, April 20, 2009

"adik nangis semalam"

"cikgu, adik nangis semalam."
"ya, kenapa adika nangis?"
"kerana cikgu Lim jahat."
"hah? cikgu jahat?"


Friday, April 17, 2009


wa很随性地,有时听讲,有时一意孤行。通常,如果有玩的份儿,他才会involve进我的circle time。
今天作art of tearing, 他做下、走下、玩下; 还差一点就要完成的作品,他竟然放下不理,走去玩了。我哄也哄不动他,拉也拉不动。既然他不想继续了,我就放下坚持; 可钟老师不知怎样说服了他,让他完成了才吃breakfast snack。他果然一吭也不吭,完成了。
因为之前的多天缺席, 他的Writing比其他人写少了; then 我向他走前去,想他至少可以写一或两行字;可他就是不肯、不要。 这次我想要坚持; 钟老师却另有意见:让他带回家写吧!wa, ok? "ok." 酱又搞定他了。


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yes, I need a miracle

cx is trouble. He's left-brain genius; but his schoolwork never done well.
His learning is moody.
sometimes he's doing excellent, and obey any instructions given; and everything seems smooth and in track;
but more than often he would read or write just for a few words, for not more than 1 second. 我劝、我哄、我骂、我打,都用过;可就是不奏效。
but then, principal used less than half an hour to make him done his reading and writing. Amazing.
I need it too, I need the miracle too!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"adik tak nangis hari ni."

"cikgu, adik tak nangis hari ni." :)
"ya, bagus. Kenapa adik nangis hari tu? takut cikgu ke?"
I'm fussy. I have high expectation on them; but then, i know i failed, even fail to be a teacher. They learned, but they learned nothing from me.
Promise myself again, slowly, gradually, patient. scolding won't improve anything.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

he becomes expert imitator

whenever he sees whatever his friend does, he'll imitate.
He especially likes to imitate what Gareth did; including what he says, his movements.
Whenever he sees his friends having something, he would snatch from him or her, and intended to throw it if ask him to let go and give back to the person.
naughty xiang bit him b4; now he know the tricks of biting when 2 of them fight.
He's too smart and too fast. 而我,束手无策,只能对他以牙还'牙'。

Monday, April 13, 2009






"还有你:不要给我骂了; 我的声音就快没有啦。"

Friday, April 10, 2009


'小便'说成 "sh sh"
'大便'就是 "mm mm"
motorcycle 是 'vroom vroom' or 'motor'

是大人的创意太丰富了; 还是小孩只有权学婴语而已?

Thursday, April 9, 2009


不喜欢代课, 因为我的‘临时反应’不好。
今天用了more than一节的时间上art; 用了less than一节的时间给他们做词句重组。 而且把他们的snack time 给用了。不知道他们的level到哪,出给他们的2题词句重组顿时把他们问成哑巴了;都不会。
4&5岁的,我有点out of control; 因为间中都有一两个捣蛋;那一两个足以影响整班的上课气氛。

不喜欢代课, 因为我没有准备---头脑一片空白。

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

i... r...

"say with me: /i/"
"no, /i/..."
"i /i/"
"just the word, /i/"
Geram betul! a simple /i/ already used my whole strength to adjust him.
"i know it's difficult for you, but, you must practise alot, and get it correct!!"
"/i/... eeee, slowly"
"/i/ ... eeeee..."

... ...
... ...


Tuesday, April 7, 2009


“and then?”

Monday, April 6, 2009

missing u, wa

wa has been absence more than a week.
it's because his younger sister went for surgery.
Thanks God, she is ok now.
everyone miss him.
tt said, "我很久很久没看见wa了, 不懂他去了哪里?"

Friday, April 3, 2009


"哥哥,哥哥..." xiang wanted to ask dickson something...

Thursday, April 2, 2009


xiang学穿衣服: 头,穿了;成功!
到手了... 右手穿上了;另只手却有点难度:
“再试一下。 叫你的手从这洞里出来。”

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

sweat, sweat alot!

since the starting of the school term, we've start practicing for the concert performance.
I take charge of music and movement, so, i get them shake and jump and run with music, to make them dance and percussion as well.
start with just about 30 seconds movement practices, now we've almost to complete the steps of the songs, about 3 to 5 minutes. incredible!
happy sweating;)