25th Anniversary: Graduation, Family Day and Children's Day Celebration

Thursday, August 28, 2008


“yl 来,坐下。”

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

ding dong

teacher showed a banglo house to the kids. it will have the 'ding dong' sound when the door bell is pressed.
"adik, what is this?" teacher pointed to the door.
"ding dong," he said.
"what's this?" teacher pointed to the window.
"ding dong."

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

my drawing

today i tried to do sentences making through my drawing on the white board.
children wouldn't complaint if my drawing is terrible not alike of the real in life. But...
"teacher, why the rabbit has no eyes?" although the rabbit is not alike, but they will complaint not on the drawing nice or not, but they really observe, what i've missed.

Monday, August 25, 2008

pergi ambil

"adik nak tulis?"
"boleh tak adik ambil buku yang adik nak tulis?"
dia menggeleng kepalanya.
"pergi ambil! cepat..." katanya.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

what m i thinking? - 15/8/2008

i almost forgot to drive jw home. luckily she asked when she saw something wrong, "teacher, where are u going?"
or else, i might had forgot she was still in my car!

i've forgot when this happenned:
now is the durian season in Malaysia. Principal brought some to kindergarten one day. some children that love it, they love the smell and taste;
some children hate it, to them, durian is smelly.
hz hates durian, he said to those that enjoyed eating the fruit, "这么臭,你们怎么吃得下?"

Thursday, August 14, 2008

what an indian means when he/she 'menggeleng kepala'

'menggeleng kepala' usually means "No" for us.
But if u see an indian 'menggeleng kepala', it means a "Yes".

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


hz 应该是从老师这里学回来的吧。当他帮了某某同学,他会主动地要求对方说谢谢,且还要对方说出他的名字:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

amei birthday

today's amei birthday. She brought her cake and tit-bits to share with her friends.
After we sang the birthday song; i asked her to blow out the candles.
guess what? 站在旁边的cy比她快一步,把蜡烛全都吹息了!

Monday, August 11, 2008

tikus gigit

"Kenapa Aqa tak datang sekolah? sakit ke?"
he nodded his head and said, "tikus gigit."
He had chicken pox actually, not 'tikus gigit'.

Friday, August 8, 2008

talking to Computer

farah hv a habit... whenever she's impatience with the computer, she will shout n scold at it. She still finds it hard to handle the (ball) mouse.
"Farah, geram apa? computer tak boleh bergerak sendiri, tangan adik yang bergerak."

Thursday, August 7, 2008


jw likes to use this phrase to me : "i don't know."
Teacher gave her worksheet, she can complete it in a glance of time all by herself. A similar worksheet given to her, n this time with my supervision. It becomes worse.
She was depend on me to give her the answers.
"you know it. You can do it. try, try harder!"
Maybe i should leave her alone when she's supposed to 'rack' her brain.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I don like this!

geram betul! when i give out the worksheet, keep repeat and remind them not to repeat the same common mistake again; but they juz can't get me.
I noe something was wrong: I was using a wrong method, they were not cleared enough about what i've said.
I din calm enough to handle my moody temper. Or else, I won't be suffered, as well as they won't be suffered too.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

durian season

now is durian season. Our kids keep falling sick: Fever, cough, cold, throat pain, mouth pain, vomit, etc.
durian is a kind of 'hot' fruit. You have to drink a lot of water after eating it, regardless children or adult.
Do take care of your kids as well as yourself especially in this hot weather and 'hot' fruit season.

Monday, August 4, 2008

my lousy car

after 1 month rest, today the 1st day back to our Smart Reader class. hz surprised me: he has improved a lot, his concentration as well as his phonics word pronunciation. He even better than the top girl last time.

When the time ready to back home, my lousy car didn't sound and move at all.
Bet chet, can't startup my car. Have to call principal to help fetching my lil girl home.

Friday, August 1, 2008


今天和yk mummy 谈起...
是的,那番话真的是我说的。我take off 之前,有向他们交待说我会两星期没来, 而且还交待他们要读fun Reading。 可是该记的他们都没记上。反而我随便说说的,给他们记牢了。