25th Anniversary: Graduation, Family Day and Children's Day Celebration

Thursday, November 5, 2009

my final day this year

today is my final teaching day this year.
managed to finish satria 4-years smart reader level 1. but seri suria...., they have to depend on themselves now.

so long for now. see you all. i'll be missing u... cy, py, wa, qy, hh, zy, qy, wh, jasmine, ly, yx, rubenesh, hx, en... love you all.

Till we meet again;)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009



their 'blur' eyes

i have to get usual with their "blurred" pose. That's what kindergarten for: to teach them all from zero. but i always forgot about that, and treat them like genius.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


虽然他不爱写字,也不大爱听讲; 就是在他不经意的同时,他吸收了不少 :)


Monday, November 2, 2009


howard的牙齿松了,老师试图教他把坏牙拔掉;在旁围看的同学也为他‘打气’ ...
"the tooth has no more root, don't scared, no pain..."

Friday, October 30, 2009


他竟然在垃圾桶撒尿!! 而且垃圾桶周围都湿湿的。
好气哦!“you are not animal, why u urine at the dustbin!!!”
“ask u want to urine not, u said 'No'! grrrrr....”
坏家伙,每次问他要上厕所么,他都 say No,结果给我一次又一次的震惊!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

she can count

ly can count the sums already; just not sure how to write some of the numbers.

... "6, how to write '6'?"...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


kk a smart and lovable kid. but the 2nd half year he has tremendously dropped from his top performance. He's now blurred, no concentration on what he's working on. Totally like 'blank'.

What has happened to him? How come a top student become this?? is it true that what teacher said, "the cup had over flow, and it can't fill anymore water"?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


eldores wrote a ")" (reverse version of "C"); then i insisted that he needs to write a correct "C". So he added on the "(" (correct version of "C").

There we have.... the logo of 'Chanel'.

Friday, October 23, 2009

cy却准备要说:“R /r/...?” (Ruler)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

he complained...

rubenesh complained to his mummy that teacher don't want to talk to him.

Yes, it's so true, i did; but that was happened last week.

He didn't know why i ignore him; but for me, i purposely ignore him because he 'ignored' me first.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

tortoise vs turtle

tortoise and turtle, these 2 words 'tortured' us.
因为书上的图画是tortoise, 故事的内容却是turtle;
结果,孩子们给图片误解了;把 tortoise 当成了 turtle。

Tuesday, October 20, 2009



Monday, October 19, 2009

why there are always no time for me??

twice a week they have my Phonics lesson. But i always short of time for what i want to teach and deliver to them.

Today, 5-years Phonics, i managed to had 4 filling words for the pictures only.

Friday, October 16, 2009





Thursday, October 15, 2009


teacher told me, Eldores said these to her:
"他是我姐姐哦, 你为什么骂他!"

因为他的没大没小,结果受了老师两巴掌; 顿时静下,不再反驳了。

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


孩子懂得某样知识,真的分成好几个阶段: "会读并不表示认得,认得并不一定会写,会写也不一定会读..."
年尾了,也是看看孩子们‘收成’的日子啦; 很欣慰,如果他们真的有所获;很无奈,如果他们还是未开窍。

cy今天给了我一个突破的惊喜!她终于认得字母了,cap and small letters, all she can read out. 且是自己指着书本上的字母练习,‘噼里啪啦’地一一把全部念出。

“mummy教你吗?... daddy教你吗?... 老师教你吗?... 姐姐教你吗?...”她统统都摇头。
“是我自己会的。”she said.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

V 手势

我做着count down手势(3...2...1...), 当数到2时,
hx 插嘴说:“这是拍照时做的手势也。”

Monday, October 12, 2009

"Thank you Teacher Maria Lim!"

"Thank you, children..."
"Thank you Teacher Maria Lim!"

"children, don't mix up the names."
"Thank you, Teacher ...Lim,"i corrected them.

but still, a few of them just can't change the greeting, cos they've get usual to say 'Thank you, Teacher Maria.'

Friday, October 9, 2009


as you noe, it's hard to find a beater in satria. and today, wa 耍脾气again, refuse to say sorry, (i think). Nothing else i can get to treat as beater, and since i just want to use it to 'fierce' him, and what i can get out of it, was --- a straw.
I dono how much it works? or maybe my words work instead. He finally agree to apologize to his friend.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

geram betul!!

鬼鬼祟祟的动作,一见我就跑回原位。 只想问究竟是做了什么;却偏偏要挨了我的手掌,还要我借鞭吓、打的即将才肯说。 其实不是什么魔鬼作为,若肯早把真相说清,根本不用受打。

另两只魔鬼,就趁没人注意时,到厕所玩闹。 发觉他们不见踪影了,结果被我发现他们在厕所外。好聪明,小的立即but镇定走了出去;大的当若无其事地抹手,被我责问是一度说是上厕所;再追问就二度说是玩水。ok, 承认了,也就放了他们一马。怎料principal发现厕所到处有湿湿的碎厕纸。

好人被罚,坏人被赦。 很为好人打抱不平咯!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


"U, /ugh/, Urn."
"What is 'urn'? Urn can be filled with water; Urn can filled with sand."

"ok, now, tell me what can you put in the urn."

"Urn can be filled with water."
"some more..."
"Urn can filled with sand."
"some more..."
"Urn can be filled with water."
"some more..."
"Urn can filled with sand."
"some more..."
"Urn can be filled with water."
"some more..."
"Urn can filled with sand."
"some more..."
"Urn can be filled with water."

wa kept on repeating the twos that i said.
ok, i can't brainstorm him with new ideas, but at least, he remembered my 2 points:)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

what's your mom's name?


"mummy 咯。"


“ahh... 好难哦。”

^^ ^^

Monday, October 5, 2009

cry out loud

teacher just asking him to drink his water, may be because of not gentle order, he started to cry out loud. If i, i would rather calm him down and just let him to do what he wants to. ok, this kind of me, would probably spoiled him.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

in aeroplane

"Where's your mummy?"
"She went to aeroplane already."

"Where's your daddy then?"
"He also in the aeroplane."

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


因为他爱做不做的样子,功课虽不见得很多,可是要他做好一半的功课也得用上整个下午, (可能也未必能完成50%)。
不是不会做,是他好玩, 心不在焉。 (都是我的看法。)

wow! 关我什么事? 真的不关我的事。 干嘛要气,他不做也不关我事,我干嘛要多管闲事?!
**他不是5-6岁的孩子了。 我还能'mole'他??
孺子可教, 他不是不可教, 是父母疏忽没有教? 天知道。
藤鞭万能么?? 成绩名列前茅就是好么?? 怎么大人还比小孩天真?!

Monday, September 28, 2009


ooo... 原来‘小班’就是Ben 10.

Friday, September 18, 2009


就是因为他们只不过是四岁,就放纵他们,由得他们心情好的时候给我跟着读一两句; 不喜欢就让他们自由活动??

“如果现在不跟着大伙儿读,那过后就你一个人读。 其他人都可以玩拼图,就只有你要留下-一个人从头读起!” 我真的有点儿气了。 她宁可私下和同学玩,也不跟大队朗读。

Thursday, September 17, 2009


because of the hyperactive 3 years old, i have to 'beg' for their co-operation 1st before we start our circle time.

"求求你,sit nicely and take turn, ok?" that's what i wish.

After school, then i heard someone imitate what i told them this morning.
“... 求求你, 不要那么坏蛋好不好? ... ...” guess who? ------ He's the 3-year-old hx.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

stop wandering!

"i asked you to put your sweet into your bag, but u've opened it, and ate it."
"now, where you want to go now? Come back to the circle! You are going no where!"
she shook her head. but also, have to listen to me.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


"擦擦擦, 擦擦你的手... ..."
^^ ^^, "是因为你的手肮脏咯。"

14 Sept 2009 - are you feeling frustrated?

"Are you feeling frustrated today?"
"then why you keep sighing and get angry?"
"because my cousin kept buzzing in my ears yesterday."

Friday, September 11, 2009


帮他搽药,好像动到他的笑觉了, 就一直不停地笑,直到我停止为止。
hahahaa... hahaha... hehehehee... hehehee...

Thursday, September 10, 2009


This is what they know about 'cake'...

"let's see how to make a cake."
"no need so troublesome to make a cake, we can straight away buy it."
"no, no. We have to sing song first."
"sing the birthday song, then only we can eat the cake."

That what cakes are for... ...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009



Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"u make triangle?"

"u make triangle?" hx asked me this when he saw me folding a plastic bag.
"Yes. How you know that, clever boy?"
Yes, he's clever, and he can simply recalls what he'd see, read, sing and learn before.

He saw me fold the plastic bag last time, and he asked, "what are you doing?"
Now he knows what i'm doing. "you are making triangle."

Monday, September 7, 2009

has / have

we have learnt this grammar weeks ago. But i can't the right answers from kc after i asked him to redo and redo and redo.

"He have a banana."
"It has a banana."
"She have a banana."

everytime i asked for redo, he must had put the 'have' in his sentences.
Then, finally we revised again for the 'has' and 'have'. Have him read out "He has, She has, It has... sentences".
And i asked him again for what we've revised.

He told me, "but there is the 'have' word in the choice, why we no need to use that word in our sentences?"

it was the reason why he kept using the word 'have' in his 'He.. She.. It..' sentences.

Friday, September 4, 2009

he read, just because i want him to



Thursday, September 3, 2009

"say sorry hx"

these 3 years old tots are too intelligent. They know they need to be good in front of you, but when u let them themselves, something amaze will always happen.

hx was doing his coloring. Rubenesh came up, wanted to give a hand as well.
then hx was not welcoming what he did. "say sorry hx, say sorry." He wanted Rubenesh to say sorry because of not asking permission from him to help in his coloring. ^^

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

cy cough

cy coughed in the car.
"cy, stop coughing. you need to wear a mask if you cough, or else, i'll send you back home now." i was half joking, try to make her not coughing inside the car.

When we arrived Seri Suria, and get ready for the rehearsal; they all lined up according to their performance dances.
"Did cy still coughing here?"
They shaking their heads.
"Good, cy. You finally stop coughing."

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


before the school break, teacher asked them to leave a leaf in their textbook. And now they get to see the leaf had change its colour - normally from green to brown.

Then we got to see a 'black' one.
cy said, "它死了。"

Monday, August 24, 2009

21/8 - A & W bear

Kelvin birthday and his parents have invited A&W to come to tadika and celebrate the party.

hx was excited asking "when the A&W bear will come?" since few days before that. And today, when he finally saw the bear appears in front of him, he starts to cry out for 'help'.

On the other hand, eldores was sooooo adoring to be with the bear, he even kisses him, hugs him, and dances with him.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


we r looking at the newspaper ads --- shopping ads.

"do you go for shopping?"
"why no? mummy didn't bring you to shopping?"
He nodded his head.

"because mummy said, go shopping, will get sick easily, isit?" (because of the A1N1 flu heats recently)

Then he asked me this:
"Then, why they go for shopping?"(pointing to the ads)
"Won't they will get sick too?"

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

many absent since these few days.
4 years only 3 came.
6 years having computer session, usually the younger one are interested to join them in the computer session. but cy refused to join.
She kept shaking her head even i try to 'persuade' her.
While the others were joining, cy stayed with me; and we played on adding friends---buttons.
After playing with buttons, she still refused to join in, and it was almost the time for me to the 5 years' class. So she went together with me to 5 years' class.
Then i asked her to join with the 5 years phonics activity; but she still kept rejecting my 'plea'.

Her 'No' means 'NO'.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


showing them the picture flash card of a burger, but i get below answers"
... ...
but no one tells "hamburger / burger".

Monday, August 17, 2009



"是吗? Edward都交了功课; 怎么你们都没有功课?"
“赶快去看一看你们的书包! 千万不要做懒惰虫,没有做功课... ...”

“老师,真的没有功课。你看...” (showing me her bag.)

"Opps, 是的,是的。 我都忘了,你们在这里把字都写完了,所以没有功课带回家。 Edward 因为上几天absent, 所以我把writing给他带回家写。"

sorry, sorry. 刚才错怪他们的语气,真的有点太过了。

Friday, August 14, 2009

wake up

whenever raining, kk will be waken up by the loud raining atap sound, But when he's asleep, he can hardly be waken up even from gentle pat till shaking of his body.

in contrast,

rubenesh, he can sleep as long as he wants, but will amazingly awaken when ppl accidentally touch on him, but not any noises can wake him up.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


每次他们一见到我的脸,就鸡飞狗跳地、... ... “坏人来了!” --- “通风报信”后,当场立刻变得有纪律,每人守规矩起来。


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

is that important?

"how much is their input?" is this important??

如果他们还没开窍, 而我们硬要他识字...
结果,我会变得很难过; 因为他这头记了,那头忘。

or maybe i have to let it be? 给时间让他成长?

Their early ages focus on Develop social skills, acquire a love for learning, enjoy experiments, become equipped with a foundation for literacy. Active learning, Group participation, Independent work, Follow simple rules, Learn to follow directions,and Proper & polite communication.

Need to remind myself that to equip them with good foundation for literacy, not simply can memorize what they've learnt, then consider them as good learner.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


是的,今天Dutch Lady来promo, 也派上了才艺比赛的表格。


Monday, August 10, 2009

nose bleeding

we were practising the concert performance.
wa was dancing at the midst, suddenly i saw his nose started to bleed, drop by drop.
Then he started to cry, his blood fell from his nose to his mouth, to his shirt, to his shorts.

"Now you see, children, please drink a lots of water."

Sunday, August 9, 2009

7/8/2009 - ah... ... chew!

i scared of their cough, sneeze, and flu.
Parents still sending their kids to school, even they knew that they are sick; no handkerchief with them, no mask for them to prevent spreading their flu and cough.

At last, i fell sick as well :(

Thursday, August 6, 2009

bad geng

py is the one that can catch up all of what the 4-years learn. Sometimes she'll show uninterested in what we are doing, and refuse to join in circle. Then came someone that has the same feeling with her --- qy, she also expresses the feeling of not joining.

"if u'r not joining us, then what u want to do?"
Last few times, i let them standing aside, even ignore them, let them play in the playhouse.

This time i would allowed no more of playing separately, cos this will distract other classes.
"if u are not joining, i'll pass you to do some more exercises and schoolwork."

They seems agree. But just for a while, py came back to me, with her messy colouring; which then made me dissatisfied of what she did.
"if u'r not feeling like doing this, please don't mess it up. You are good at colouring. Please, redo it nicely for me!"

then she started to sob.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Stop your horn please!

i did told the aunty not to horn because the youngsters are probably nap at the time she fetches back Dickson; but she gave the reason of safety, she has to make sure the house has people coming out to get him before she leaves.
But i'm getting frustrated, because whether there are any people waiting at the house or not, she'll horn whenever she arrives here. It's loud. She's not considerate at all!

"有人也beep, 没人也beep; 到底要怎样才可以不要beep?!"

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


nowadays, parents happen to be so 'commercialize', that they asked for testing period in tadika. And principal allowed some of them for testing, even we know that these would lead to class disturbance whenever there's new comer in the midst of school semesters.
frankly, i disagree of what she allowed.
If the child are ready for school, or already reach the schooling years, parents should sent them to school when the new school semester starts, and register their children before school reopen, regardless which school the parents choose, and not sending them after school reopen or at the midst of sem. The 1st few days, or maybe up to months, they need to get use to the school environment; they might cry for mummy, they might be scared to socialize, they might be afraid of the strangers around them, including teachers. They just need time to adjust and suit in new environment. No point testing a few days. they get nothing, they learn nothing. If parents keep searching and putting them for new environments, they need to adjust all over again and again to each of the new surroundings.
What the children get at the end? What parents get at the end?

Monday, August 3, 2009


That's what he told me when i asked him to erase the 'homework' that teacher not even ask him to do (according to him).
i never have any idea of what homeworks he has for the day, because his homeworks never have dates, not even some remarks or page circled or folded for the pages that need to do. 1st school semester he lied to me everyday, saying that he don't have any homeworks, or the homeworks already completed in school, until her mum complained to me, and asked me to check every of his books everyday.
Now i'm doing what she asked me to do. And sometimes he did those that his mum ordered him to do, even those that teachers' schoolworks not yet complete. Once he said, "如果没有做完,我就死定了。" but what i said, he heard nothing. Even when i scold, he'll challenge back and reply rudely - mind my own business. hoo...
This is a 'problem' child. Attitude problem. No matter how smart he did his exams, his attitude score? anyone care?
父母,你相信吗?有其父母,必有其子女。 他们就是你们, 你们可在他们内看见你自己。

Friday, July 31, 2009


today he speaks with so many 'la'.
"here la..."
"no la..."
"don't want la..."
"cannot la..."

"why today you have so many 'la' slang??"

Thursday, July 30, 2009


"baby! baby! baby! ..." all her classmates teasing her because she still brings her baby milk bottle in her bag.

Definitely she doesn't like it at all. And she cried in their teasing surrounding.

Last year, i did ask her why she still bringing her milk bottle for milk drinking, why not drink the milk from cup? She replied that the milk is smelly, that's y.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Arrived at Satria, teacher Choong told me that Fatin gave each of her teacher a Daisy, that she bought from Pasar Malam.
"Strange. Is there something special today?" I was surprised to received flower in ordinary day.
"Nuhh... She saw the flowers, and juz thinking of giving them to her beloved teachers; that's all."

"Cikgu, saya pergi pasar malam semalam. Dan saya beli bunga-bunga untuk cikgu."
It's simply 童.真 ;)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

S, sss... ...

teacher absent today, so i take care of the 4-years-old class today. This week they're learning S, T, U. so, i start of S, asking them 's' is for...sun, skirt, snake; and building up 'S' from the toy tubes, telling story of The Wind and the Sun, asking them to write out the alphabet 'S' on whiteboard.
Yes! They are superb. They done all very well. Then i got them to writing 'S' as in their writing exercise. Only then i knew that most of them have already wrote 'S', only a few that was absent or slow on writing didn't finish.

cempedak好香哦! - 27/7

“mmm... cempedak好香哦!”
“真的吗? 我怎么都没嗅到? 让我嗅嗅看...”

“真的好香哦。 hx要吃是吗?”

“是吗?爸爸真的说可以吗? 要是hx吃了又生病,那怎么办?”

“今天回家先问问爸爸,如果他说可以,我们明天就把这香香的cempedak吃掉。 ok?”

Friday, July 24, 2009


昨天上课期间,jw又发烧了。 yx也有点不对劲,原来也是因为发烧了。
还以为他们俩今天应该会缺课; 可没料到他们都有来上课。且烧也退了。

“jw, 还有发烧吗?”
“没有了。 我在家喝了‘青色’的水, 好了。”

“yx, 还有发烧吗?”


hx自从‘大病’痊愈后,这星期,拉了两次大便。 以前他都会自己脱裤子,到厕所; 现在不知怎么了,要大便不会说,大便了也没说。 问他‘为什么’, 他却一笑而过。

Thursday, July 23, 2009

jump.. jump... jump!

jump.. jump... jump.... his shorts is coming down! ^^ ^^

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

too much time to do nothing, or too few time to do so many things?

the the lesson plans are well prepared, it is too few time to do so many things; but...
if there's no lesson plan, it'll be too much time to do nothing.

1st case is what i feel in Satria, and the latter is what i felt when i assisted the 4 years old in Seri Suria.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009



“xiang坏蛋,要老师怎么样? 把他拉出来罚站?”

“xiang坏蛋,要老师kiss他,sayang他,他才会变good boy, 是不是?”

Friday, July 17, 2009


^^ ^^, “大概是你的汗酸味吧。”

Thursday, July 16, 2009

half of them absent

half of the 4-5 years old absent today. Mostly are having cold and cough, the serious one might be fever.
hx this week so far is still zero presence. Miss his smiling face, miss his friendly chatting.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Graduation Photo Taking

this is what he said, when we celebrated yw's birthday.
"This is a girl's cake. I don't wanna eat girl's cake."
But he still finished the cake after then.

Today we have graduation photo taking.
He said, "we are wearing dress, girl's dress."
I supposed, "you are wearing the graduation gown! (and maybe it's once in your lifetime wearing the graduation gown.)"

I teased him, "yesterday you said not to eat yw's birthday cake, but u did. That's what happen now: You've become a girl now, and wearing on girl's dress!"

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


wh就是受软不受硬的孩子。 even teacher just scold him, but he can end up crying non-stop. Even he knows he did wrong.
So, as he starts crying (non-stop), the only way to get him stop crying and focus on something else is not to talk about his guilty, not to blame him; a simple and silent hug, and involve together in his friends' circle with him, then he might get back into the circle gradually.

Monday, July 13, 2009

everything he wants, except Durian


this time i offered him:
"rebenesh, want to eat some durian?"
he shook his head.

"want to try? a little bit?"
he shook his head as well.

"if you don't want, then i gonna finish it."
then he finally spoke up, "principal gives you."

"yeah, principal gives me; now I give you."
"no, principal gives you."

He just wanna get away from it. ^^

Friday, July 10, 2009


3-4 years old kids have this kind of difficulty.
"ma..ma...mummy, mummy ..."
"mummy, 1 mummy only, ok?"

"ok. ma..ma...mummy."

"tea... tea... teaeeecher."
"tea... cher."
"tea... tea... teacher."
" tea... teacher."
"tea... cher."
"tea... cher."

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Peanut Butter / Blue Berry Jam

2 bros --- D and G; 1 likes Peanut Butter so much, but the other 1 hate it so much; 1 likes Blue Berry Jam but another eating the jam is harder than eating a bitter medicine.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"i love u"

teacher M: I throw u...
qy: I love u...

teacher M: I throw u...
qy: I love u...

teacher M: I throw u...
qy: I love u...

teacher M: I love u too .

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


“我家有很多很多玩具哦,还有铅笔、colour... ...”


“我的家要直走,then弯过去... ...”他在比手画脚地指起路来了。

Monday, July 6, 2009


“ok, ok. 我们今天有好多好多事情得完成,一个接一个, k?”



Friday, July 3, 2009

Second vs last

there are 2 3-year-old tots. so, if they to compete, only first and last. both of them will always want to be the first; if u say one of them is the 'last', he'll get upset.

"yeah! ruben is the first."
"hx will be second, ok."

"I'm number 1. hx last."
"teacher says i'm number 2, I am Number 2!"

see, now u know the difference between 2nd and last? No body want to be the last.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

great... or not?

we just started practising the drama - "The Ants and the Grasshopper". And i was surprisingly happy when bryan can remember his few dialogues for the drama just about 3 times practised.

But since then, he still has lots to improve. Besides his dialogues can memorize well; the other times during drama, he has no concentration at all, 心不在焉的神情 throughout the rest of the time.

How should I call it now? great? or not at all?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


during English lesson:
"try to make sentence with gush..."
"The longkang is gush..."
"'longkang' is malay word; you can use 'drain' instead. Try again."

during Malay lesson:
"Bapa saya menaiki aeroplane..."

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

H1N1 恐慌

H1N1袭击芙蓉了,难免有的家长会担心。 可是,偏偏孩子们平常都有一般流感---感冒、伤风、咳嗽,这个非常时期更不用说。

今天抚摸了几个孩子,都觉得他们额头稍热(还是自己的手冰冷?)。 小心小心... 怕怕... ...

Monday, June 29, 2009


7月的half-day trip, 因为人数的关系;园方不得不下次策--- 割爱跟随的家长 (要求跟随的家长放心孩子跟大队,由老师带队出trip)

家长们都有不同的reaction, 庆幸大部分的都通情达理, 放心让孩子跟队; 有的真的很不放心的家长们,你们都可以跟随,只是位子真的要挤一挤哦。

孩子们难得有一日游,他们会遵守指示、乖巧听话的。 若有什么事情发生,也会是使孩子们长一智之事 --- “不经一事,不长一智”嘛。

爸爸妈妈们,请您放100个心 :)

Friday, June 26, 2009



他们会读,会写; 是因为他们时常接触(sense)、重复看、重复朗读(repetition)。

but are they really understood what they've learnt?



Thursday, June 25, 2009

no time, pls don't scold

this year i in charge most of the concert performance, especially for music and movement. 1,3,5 in Satria; 2,4 in Seri Suria. But the performance i in charge in SS are more, and only 2 days a week to practise. Have to bear in mind, without my presence, teachers won't give them any practise at all; that's what makes me worry.

5-year-old dance not yet confirm the steps, and they even not sure about the steps that i've been tought.

With all uncertain steps, and mess movements, then principal and teacher started to show out their dissatisfaction, started to blame and scold for their mistakes' steps.

if u'r the child, what would u feel?

They refused to be under the pressure. What can I do? The practise can't be continued.

"Next performance, get ready..."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

tell lie II

they are not discipline enough when giving them choice and freedom.
They lied that they've done their schoolwork, and play.
Until i back. They kept quiet and rushing to take out their works to do.

i did tell them that if there's a next time, i won't be beating anymore, but give them more works to do, and no playing time for that day. But i was angry and beat kk once, Then only i remember what i've told them.

i get them to write a piece of nice and neat writing; "I won't tell lie again."

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

fold hands, fold legs

rubenesh is a smart and intelligent tot.
Though he only 3 years old, but he can randomly remember some alphabets, and some of the things that he only see or heard once.

"fold your hands, and fold your legs." this was the instruction i gave for him yesterday to keep him calm and quiet.

Today, when i warn him to sit nicely and quietly in class, he did what i didn't tell ---"fold hands, fold legs."

"Yes. Good like this. Keep like this." :)

Monday, June 22, 2009


对学生,也不必太苛求; 现在他总学不会、记不得;都没什么大不了的; 当他开窍了,时机到了,他就会自然而然地掌握学好。
放慢脚步,不给予任何压力,可能会有我们预想不到的结果 :)

Friday, June 19, 2009


After wa having goodbye kiss with mummy, then he asked, “mummy, 今天你没做工吗?”
“then, 你还不去上班吗?” (好像要把妈妈赶快‘赶走’似的)
“ok, ok.”

Thursday, June 18, 2009

cry... silent... cry... silent...

kj always has his kakak accompanies him at school; this makes him the only dependable child here, and he learns nothing because he is not with his classmates, but kakak.

principal needs kak coorperation: leave him, though he cries and screams.
Yes, today he cries a lot, but he do silents sometimes when he plays, writes, and eats.

The time before going home, he's silent :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

i'm forcing!!

everyone takes turn to write 1,2,3 on the whiteboard. cy kept turning to the wrong side for her '3'.

Then i seems of wanting her to try harder, until i forgot that i'm forcing her to do it.

At last, she turned away, she just don't want to try anymore.

[Reminder for me: encourage them, but never force it. NEVER!]

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

he missed school:)

yx mummy said, the 2 weeks school holiday, he woke up early in the morning, and wondering "why mummy is not taking me to 'teacher house'?"
He thought mummy is not brining him to school anymore, because he didn't like writing and schoolwork.

He's doing great today. He count and write the answers all by his own, and he got all correct!!

Monday, June 15, 2009


wa很习惯性地,每次我们玩games、活动,他都会帮同学加油,还会加上这句话:“快点! 加油! 我们没时间啦!” ^^ ^^

Friday, May 29, 2009

bye bye

xiang likes to say "bye bye" whenever he sees someone leaving the school, or when he going back home.
"bye bye!"
"bye bye go-go, bye bye rubenesh, bye bye ..."
he never says bye bye to teacher, but friends and anyone else:(

Thursday, May 28, 2009


今天我亲自下厨; 怎料放学后,after-school care 的几个小孩都提早回了。

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

getting aggressive

gareth is getting aggressive, like ruben. small matter, they'll cry out loud, throw things discarding whose and what, saying nonsense... ...

if you were me, how u handle this?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


好衰哦,when my turn of practising their dance and percussion, it started blackout. 唱机没得唱,怎么练?
after that, went to cooking. Planning of cooking chicken rice; 可是电饭煲用不着了,只能用gas,却又没有适合的pot,又不会预算火候; 结果,饭变成了粥。

Monday, May 25, 2009


they'r back --- the Eyeos, but just for 3 days.
and after that, we have no idea whether they'll be back again or not at all.

Friday, May 22, 2009

1.. 2... 3... 4....!

learn through play. how?

i used a chalk, drawing 4 circles, from big to small.
then we start counting the circles,
"which is the biggest circle; which is the smallest one?"
we jump together to the circles to see how many of us can fit in a circle,
then we take turn to jump on the 4 circles, "1...., 2..., 3..., 4...!"
while jump on the circle, we count the circles that we step on.

What do u think we learned today?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

fall down

Jasmine ran fast, she fell down and hurt her knee.
teacher brought her to put some medicine.

"I'll tell mummy to put plaster, and to go clinic, and ask doctor for medicine."
"it's just a minor injury. Teacher had already put medicine. You'll be all right very soon."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


对4岁的孩子,what you expect from them?
to be academically well done? or social-emotional, sharing, team work well coping?
Satria children is the latter one. I have no idea how well they learned from my lessons, this week they have academic assessments, and average result I get... ... they have 1-2 points out of 10 points.
It'll be sad if the parents just wanting this toddlers to be academically good; they'll sure think that they've learn nothing in kindergarten. But in fact, they learned something invaluable that might benefit themselves and everyone around them in their lives.
How I wish the parents will discover these toddlers' good in this aspect.

19 May 2009 - 争先恐后

他们的争先恐后,让我取消了他们的playing time. 然后,一个接一个地喊、跳、哭、缠地...

我一个接一个地把他们隔离---去哭;哭停了,我才开始讲道理。 ^^

当时的场面,像似我处理不好,一时失控、全班乱透。 后发觉:隔离是个不错、让孩子自我调理情绪的方法。

Monday, May 18, 2009

water bottle

today i forgot to bring my water bottle to the class.
Such a thirsty day since i still yelling, shouting and singing along with them.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Teachers' Day

Happy Teachers' Day!
This year i've received very sincere presents from them.
They always call me "Miss Lim" or "Teacher Lim".
This is what i didn't expect: someone knows my christian name!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

it is not funny

hx was chewing a sticker.
And he thinks it was funny.
I stopped him.
"throw away the sticker. 3... 2... 1!"
He still ignored me.
Then finally, i beat his face twice, and get the sticker out of his mouth.
Now, he cries.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


"you're getting lazier. Yesterday homeworks, you bring back to school with nothing done."
"Do you want to stay in school to do your homeworks before you back home, while everyone else have gone home?"
huh? My expected answer was a 'No'.
I'm wondering, what she does at home? until she forgot her homeworks everyday.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


明明字在书;却东张西望,就像:'a'在左、 'b'在右、 'c'在上、'd'在下。

Monday, May 11, 2009

"cikgu Lim dah jadi baik dah"


其实,是自己的sore throat,而让自己时时提醒自己:适可而止、物极必反。

Friday, May 8, 2009


py闷闷不乐。 也不想join circle,也不想读书。
“不要一起玩吗?” (她摇头。)
“那去和五岁班一起上课,好吗?” (她摇头。)
“不舒服吗?” (她摇头。)

“你到底怎么啦?” (不出声。)

“那你就坐在一旁,看朋友们玩, ok?” (点头!)

Thursday, May 7, 2009


xiang超棒! 什么事?
3岁ah xiang竟然照我的指示做了!!

今天指示了他到厨房把空瓶子拿到我那儿盛水。 我等着、等着,好像蛮久了,都没动静,以为他把交待的事情给忘了... ...
"tok, tok..."的瓶子声慢慢传了进来。 他果真拿来了! 棒!棒!!

听见他哼着我教他的“Are you sleeping”,要他再展歌喉,他却坚持“就是不要唱给你听!”的样子。
ah xiang, ah xiang, 就是会逗人欢喜、逗人爱。

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


"kancil 是什么?"
"我知道! 是一款车!"


刚开始执教的时候,因为不懂得控制情绪而把新学生大骂破骂,差点把一个爱书的孩子搞成憎书分子; 还好及时补救,jw她现在是个steady reader;)

今天我又遇失望:hr-六岁插班生,每每上我的课,因为没有基础,不会读,是怕的缘故吧,她都会哭成泪人。 她join了smart reader class, 我还想着她会在smart reader class里头学到更多,而逐步跟上我们的步伐。

是的,她从零学起;已经慢慢打稳了基础,也刚步入2级了;一个晴天霹雳!她放弃smart reader class了。
我的第一个反应:“y? 是不是我又犯了大错?”


我心里还是会耿耿于怀,因为开始让我放心的学生,竟然作出我预料之外的举动 :(

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


“bryan, 加油!加油!!”

Monday, May 4, 2009


qy 应该是因为我的一句话,和我斗了整节气。

“你不来(join 我们)吗? ok.” 过后, 我就没预她的份儿了。
puzzle她没join, fine-motor skilling她也没join.

后来,只见Teacher Maria从playhouse里把她抱去。

Thursday, April 30, 2009



Wednesday, April 29, 2009


jh的fun Reading 书本给妹妹撕了,几乎要分成两半了。
每次, 我都重复又重复地提醒+警告:“叫mummy把你的书本黏好!”
他说:“我mummy不要帮我黏...” 很无奈的样子。
“烂的书,如果不要黏好,叫mummy来见我!” 我生气说道。

不然,他知道... 下一回,他又会被中骂的。

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

mosquito bites

rubenesh is a fast learner. From his totally tamil mother tongue; now he is able to express well in english.
the longest continued-words he can speak: "mosquito bites"
whenever he feels itchy, and had rashes on his body, he would tell that it was "mosquito bites". He even pointed to my face --- my pimples and blemishes, and said, "mosquito bites."

Monday, April 27, 2009


今天是我第一天给4岁玩的一个fine-motor skill activity --- 夹筷子。
almost every time i forgot to take photo for their activities shots.
结果搞到临时charge batteries, 玩了一次又再重复一次;就是为了要拍他们活动时的照片。真的是很特地也!

Friday, April 24, 2009


I have an idea of a short drama play for the concert performance, and i get kk n gareth to be the two character voices.
we did the recording while practising the dialogs. So, all the voices including the background noise, my correction, "try again", "again" etc. All heard during the playback.
It's funny to listen to my own voice, especially not the kind of sincere voice.
now, i know why my voice can be so scary to them.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

bryan 人小鬼大

bryan 是班上体格最高,蛮壮的年头孩子。
有时却看见他念念我教他的tricks。 其实他比他哥用心;只是有时他力不从心。


Wednesday, April 22, 2009


园长觉得莫名其妙, “几时让他玩水啦?”
原来... 原来是阿翔昨天尿床,裤子都湿了。 爷爷难道以为他是玩水,玩湿了裤子?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


i was glad, once i've complete teaching them the dances' steps.
now i'm worrying: they still can't be independent performing the steps without my guides.

"after 4 months practice, why they still can't remember the steps??"
"because they're not practicing them daily."

Monday, April 20, 2009

"adik nangis semalam"

"cikgu, adik nangis semalam."
"ya, kenapa adika nangis?"
"kerana cikgu Lim jahat."
"hah? cikgu jahat?"


Friday, April 17, 2009


wa很随性地,有时听讲,有时一意孤行。通常,如果有玩的份儿,他才会involve进我的circle time。
今天作art of tearing, 他做下、走下、玩下; 还差一点就要完成的作品,他竟然放下不理,走去玩了。我哄也哄不动他,拉也拉不动。既然他不想继续了,我就放下坚持; 可钟老师不知怎样说服了他,让他完成了才吃breakfast snack。他果然一吭也不吭,完成了。
因为之前的多天缺席, 他的Writing比其他人写少了; then 我向他走前去,想他至少可以写一或两行字;可他就是不肯、不要。 这次我想要坚持; 钟老师却另有意见:让他带回家写吧!wa, ok? "ok." 酱又搞定他了。


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yes, I need a miracle

cx is trouble. He's left-brain genius; but his schoolwork never done well.
His learning is moody.
sometimes he's doing excellent, and obey any instructions given; and everything seems smooth and in track;
but more than often he would read or write just for a few words, for not more than 1 second. 我劝、我哄、我骂、我打,都用过;可就是不奏效。
but then, principal used less than half an hour to make him done his reading and writing. Amazing.
I need it too, I need the miracle too!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"adik tak nangis hari ni."

"cikgu, adik tak nangis hari ni." :)
"ya, bagus. Kenapa adik nangis hari tu? takut cikgu ke?"
I'm fussy. I have high expectation on them; but then, i know i failed, even fail to be a teacher. They learned, but they learned nothing from me.
Promise myself again, slowly, gradually, patient. scolding won't improve anything.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

he becomes expert imitator

whenever he sees whatever his friend does, he'll imitate.
He especially likes to imitate what Gareth did; including what he says, his movements.
Whenever he sees his friends having something, he would snatch from him or her, and intended to throw it if ask him to let go and give back to the person.
naughty xiang bit him b4; now he know the tricks of biting when 2 of them fight.
He's too smart and too fast. 而我,束手无策,只能对他以牙还'牙'。

Monday, April 13, 2009






"还有你:不要给我骂了; 我的声音就快没有啦。"

Friday, April 10, 2009


'小便'说成 "sh sh"
'大便'就是 "mm mm"
motorcycle 是 'vroom vroom' or 'motor'

是大人的创意太丰富了; 还是小孩只有权学婴语而已?

Thursday, April 9, 2009


不喜欢代课, 因为我的‘临时反应’不好。
今天用了more than一节的时间上art; 用了less than一节的时间给他们做词句重组。 而且把他们的snack time 给用了。不知道他们的level到哪,出给他们的2题词句重组顿时把他们问成哑巴了;都不会。
4&5岁的,我有点out of control; 因为间中都有一两个捣蛋;那一两个足以影响整班的上课气氛。

不喜欢代课, 因为我没有准备---头脑一片空白。

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

i... r...

"say with me: /i/"
"no, /i/..."
"i /i/"
"just the word, /i/"
Geram betul! a simple /i/ already used my whole strength to adjust him.
"i know it's difficult for you, but, you must practise alot, and get it correct!!"
"/i/... eeee, slowly"
"/i/ ... eeeee..."

... ...
... ...


Tuesday, April 7, 2009


“and then?”

Monday, April 6, 2009

missing u, wa

wa has been absence more than a week.
it's because his younger sister went for surgery.
Thanks God, she is ok now.
everyone miss him.
tt said, "我很久很久没看见wa了, 不懂他去了哪里?"

Friday, April 3, 2009


"哥哥,哥哥..." xiang wanted to ask dickson something...

Thursday, April 2, 2009


xiang学穿衣服: 头,穿了;成功!
到手了... 右手穿上了;另只手却有点难度:
“再试一下。 叫你的手从这洞里出来。”

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

sweat, sweat alot!

since the starting of the school term, we've start practicing for the concert performance.
I take charge of music and movement, so, i get them shake and jump and run with music, to make them dance and percussion as well.
start with just about 30 seconds movement practices, now we've almost to complete the steps of the songs, about 3 to 5 minutes. incredible!
happy sweating;)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

newbie blue

a newbie came today... with his kakak.
2++ boy, still in the beginning of learning how to talk.
It's hard to communicate with him. It's hard even when i try to talk to him, i just heard him yelling, but not even a word from him.
he played around; and finally got him to rest for a while during the snack break; later then, i saw him asleep in the class.

Seems like he needs a lot of efforts to get use to our school environment if he's in.

Monday, March 30, 2009

差一点...就到了... 却还没到

rubenesh 今天没带pampers,睡午觉了,我们都很担心他不但会尿床,还可能会poo-poo.
过不久,在玩的dickson & xiang 笑他没穿裤,站在门口。“一定是他尿床了;还是他要上厕所,所以自己把裤脱了。”我心想...
遂我带他到厕所。 哇!大便这儿一坨、那儿一坨!!
他尿床了。 过后,应该是要大解、又急得不得了, 还没到马桶, 他就“一路上”解决了。

好懊恼,为什么他没带pampers? >.<

Friday, March 27, 2009

he laughed out loud

it was napping time. suddenly i heard rubenesh laughed out loud. This could probably awaken all the others! So i took my steps to the room. Yes, all had awoke, n i beat his mouth cos i already warn him again n again not to shout out loud.
Since all were awoke, so i get them to continue their homework and colouring. he's the one that still standing outside, near the playhouse.
After i settled the elders doing their homework, i turn to him and asked, "u berak?" he menggeleng kepala (mengeleng kepala, for indian, means --- 'already') "huh?! do u want to go to toilet?" he still menggeleng kepala, and answered, "yes." Indeed, he told the truth, he poo on his pampers.
Now i know why he laughed out loud. Maybe he wanna tell his friends he poo, and he knows his friends will laugh at him, so he laughed for himself first. i've misunderstood him.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


hx always bully yx, not only yx, but almost every friends that play with him.
i assume his parents and family know how his behaviour, because they are those that closest to him.
but i always heard principal said that his parent complained, complain about somehow teachers beat him, not only hand, but his body.
I don't know about other teachers, but for me, if i see any bully incidents he makes, i'll sure scold him and warn him, for the serious cases (scratch his friends, push his friends until fall down 'bong' the floor and so many more) I'll beat; his hands are naughty, so i beat his hands, no else where. I beat with my hand, not rotan, even my hand feel the pain, but he had no rasa. And he knows, why i beat him.

父母,小朋友不止与大人接触,小朋友与小朋友之间的接触也难免会有身体之间的磨擦、会有口角、跌倒,甚至打架,就像大人啊;这自然法规难道您也要担心? 太过受保护的孩子,会有机会学会人情世故吗?几时他们才会自立自理? 让他吧,放手吧!由他去飞。

3 years old are keras kepala betul! 有了他们,多了笑声,也多了很多气。

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

再喊、再骂... 有用吗?

其实明明知道是不管用,且会伤害他们小小心灵+自尊; 今天,我却又喊破了喉咙,为的只是要他把语音分清楚。
其实他们只上了两个月的课,能够认得完整的26个字母,是不错的了。 难倒我要他们一步登天?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


“没有啦。 上网、还有和我玩card。”
“pokemon card.”
“哇! 生病真好噢!可以和daddy玩card。”

Monday, March 23, 2009

kids are all about routine:)

my 4-year-old start learning to share in this 1st year of schooling.
Most of them are self-center in the beginning.
Today , we played water-filling. As usual, we make a circle before the activity.
wa , as his leader personality, he conducted: "到你!"... "到你!" (your turn now.) They know how to take turn and play instead of overbearing all the time. Although sometimes, some of them forgot when's their turn, but others will try to remind each other;)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

pity sick kk

morning, he was doing great! He read, he played actively with friends, he played quietly on his own.
Everything seems great, so I treat them with a small chocolate bar. I never expect something worse happened so soon after that...
kk felt tired during the shape-puzzle play. His lunch jus about 3-4 spoons to feed. Then he went for an afternoon nap.
The time i brought the other 2 babies to nap, i saw he awoke, with his sobbing eyes.
"What happened?"
"I'm scared to sleep alone."
"ok, now we're here with you."
He still sobbing...
"What happen now?" His forehead was burning, he has fever.
so I took a wet towel to cold his forehead. He seems feeling very sick. Babies all slept, but i still heard him sobbing.
He asked for mummy to fetch him to see doctor.
I bring him out of the room, he started to cry out loud. His throat was pain as well, and 'burning' too.

He was reluctant to sleep after then. This is the 1st time i saw him struggled, groaned n cried loud in his sick. He just wanted his mummy.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


"林老师,阿xiang下不到。" 他下不到playhouse里; so, 我就建议他爬回出来... "阿xiang回不到。"
他上下不得, 我站在一旁:哭笑不得lol!!
"林老师,抱阿xiang呵... ..." 他快顶不住了... 快要哭了。

Friday, March 13, 2009


kk and tt had the same answer for this:
"what is this?" I showed them their fallen eyelash and asked.
"oh no, the 'hair' from your eye?" (lol)

their eyelashes even longer than their hair!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


这个星期,是他们第一次听我准备给他们的舞曲。歌曲好像比我预料中快了百倍,他们没一个跟得上节奏,感觉有点乱七八糟。 希望是第一次的原因吧。他们会越来越熟练的! (我不想assign给他们mission impossible, 告诉自己:他们能的!)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

telling all

Edward tak sengaja menyakitkan cy. These were the reactiosn she had:
she cried for mummy; said that edward hurt her. I've asked him to apologized, but...
then she ran to teacher Chong, cried out and told that edward hurt her. then teacher Chong asked edward to say sorry again. then...
she ran to teacher Maria, cried out and told about the incident.
She just want to tell everybody about it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

special visitor today

today came a special visitor - a university student, for her project, observing communication among teachers and children.
No much they felt awkward about the visitor, but her flashing camera might has some effects on their curiosity.
Actually i'm glad, cos finally someone else are taking the photos in our kindergarten besides me, n i finally can be in the camera as well ^0^

Friday, March 6, 2009


wa is very helpful (sometimes).
Today they were helping up to move a table. wa was acting like a leader, screaming to give instructions to the others, and together with the others, they move the table back to position, just nice;)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


kids would also discriminate among their colours?
"hold hands, make a circle."
Then I saw Jasmine refused to hold hand with Rubenesh, even I was trying hard to force her to.
"Why? you are not friends? hold hands with your friends now!"
but it just won't work by forcing.

Last time zn had the same problem, didn't like R much. A single touch from R made her feel annoying.
I'm not sure, because of R is naughty or color discriminate. In my eyes, R is adorable, with his big eyes and intelligent look. He is keen to learn, regardless that's right or wrong example from his friends.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

incredible imagination!

"ok, now, close your eyes, and listen to the music. Tell me what you can here in the track afterward."
I play a 'cartoon mixing sound effects' to them...
"What you can hear? tell me anything u heard."
"I heard running sound..."
"cock, coo.. coo..."
"roster sound."
"then, what happened after that?"
"the hen, the hen chase with the roster..."
"they run."
"they run faster and getting faster. And then?"
"both fall down."
mmm, the whole story was just came out! fantastic, my 4- and 5-years:)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

xiang ah xiang

2 xiang played together at the playhouse.
Suddenly heard yx cried, and came toward principal.
"hx scratch me..."
hx has these bad habits, scratch ppl, push ppl, tearing ppl hair, and like to grip ppl as tight as he could.
How could I not beat him?! Ok, though, he's cute and sincere when he talks and smiles at you.

Monday, March 2, 2009


cy pushed her friend while playing. I warned her. She did again. Then I got her out of the circle. She went away, to the corner, alone and sobbed. When i went nearer to her, she sobbed even louder. So I left her alone.
"She know she did wrong. But she just don't want to admit it."

Friday, February 27, 2009

there are 2 possibilities

we continued our art and craft without her. At first, i tried to pujuk her to do the arts, but she was still in her mood. “让她吧,不用理她; 过一会儿她就会自己过去的。”
Yes, indeed. After she saw her friends with their incredible art works, she was coming for her art and craft:)

but, sometimes, ignorance just won't work. children like wh need to pujuk,even he did wrong. He need attention.

Different children, different possibilities.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


今天我又生气了。其实是气自己,可是, 都发泄在无辜的小孩身上。

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


cx恐怕有学习障碍,读字卡还行,读书就有困难了。我不晓得为什么:同一个字,字卡-认得出;课本却很困难。 华语还可以;国语却真的很糟糕。sukukata是会的;却不能读出整个perkataan来。
读书要他命; 玩却可以忘形。 哀。

Feb 24 - 就是爱你

“就是爱你” - 那种感觉。
这次劝了好几次,他还是无动于衷; 我来硬的了:藤鞭!
没料到,过没多久, 他不但没生我的气,且又粘着我了。

Monday, February 23, 2009

3 years old conversation

rubenesh is indian background; hx is chinese background.
The floor is wet, it was raining.
they know not to step and run on the wet floor...
rubenesh: (pointing the wet floor)"bong, bong." [meaning that stepping outside might fall down.]
hx: "no, no." [then he told in chinese: can not go out, you will fall down.]

Friday, February 20, 2009

Feb 20, their colour

i used to let the children to choose the colour they like to colour their drawing. n i gathered their works: wa has the most Orange, tete has Green, py has Red and Edward has Yellow!
last time, when i refused to let wa has Orange, he was upset, and refused to colour.

"Don't you think it's beautiful if u draw it colourful?"

Thursday, February 19, 2009

simple shaker

"why are u doing this?" a friend asked me when i was working 'hard' to do the simple shakers.
Today is the 1st time they tired the shakers. they were having fun, just as i thought.
Sometimes, a simple toy is enough to lights up their lives.

Feb 18 - everytime she cries during my lesson

hr is new.
it's ok if u dono, even u don't understand. Just ask, and study harder.
i need u to open your mouth, open your mind for me.
cry won't help, it'll worsen the situation.
i try my best not to yell at u, not to scold u, not to be angry with u. but your 'keep on' crying makes me almost burst out.
Pls, stop crying next time; we'll try harder together, i'll be along your side, dear; u'll get through it; u'll be getting better de. trust in you, trust in me:)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

they r just fine:)

morning, they saw me, seems like they r in need of me: 1 holding my left hand, another on my right, one more in front of me.
back to class, we read ABC(i assisted). in a sudden, principal called; the moment i left the room, i heard the 2 'babies' cried, but i have to go...
back from business, teacher said they were doing well without me. they colored, they read, they write;)

Feb 16 - 今天我大开‘鞭’戒!

不是第一次了,是每次! 每次!! 每次,如果有我在,就会边偷偷玩、给我骂了、喊了,就才‘推一次,做一下’;
我不在? 更是天翻地覆唯独我不见,逐渐可以为所欲为。

Sunday, February 15, 2009

13 Feb - how to treat stubborner?

She wants it, then it means that she have to get it no matter what; if she don't wants it, means there's nothing to do to make her wants it.
How to handle such stubborner? just leave it alone. never ever force her. no forcing!
i got my lesson now.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

mini size

Jasmine likes him - yx, as much as i do.
She is 4, yx is 4 too. but 1 is Jan, 1 is Dec.
"He is cute, he is mini size." :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ask for more

i saw cy having her bread in her mouth - full mouth. then i saw her waiting for another piece, after then she was asking for another more from teacher again!

Feb 10 - their thought

When ly firstly came to school, she never cried for mummy, but just a little sob once a while. Now she cried, after 1 month here.
“我以前都没有哭。 因为我告诉mummy 说我要读书,所以我不哭。”
There must be some reasons behind what she'd say. but i managed to get her to class, and join with her classmates: we sang, we danced, we read, we wrote, we drew, we played; there were so much to learn a day:)

Monday, February 9, 2009

6 Feb - "i cried today"

"because i want u", xiang said.
another xiang's parent called today; xiang absents today because he cried and said, "i don't want Miss Lim."
i noe the other xiang don't like to be with me, even when i try to come near to him. But he does talk to me, and shared a lot of his stories! So, please don't blame me that his absence is because of me.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


不忍心看yx他哭得那么可怜。 可是我得放放手,不能让他如此任性。
我看,其他老师也是拿他没办法; 他就是不肯进课室。
忍心托他给其他老师后,就到外办事了。 回来一看... ...
我拿了一些字卡和玩具,和他一起坐下。 他认图不错! 而且口才一级棒! 唯独还需要努力的是:去掉“要抱抱”的习惯。
园长提醒了我:"that's why we need to study every single child." 真心付出你对他的爱,他会感受到的。 只一味“stop crying... no crying”是不济于事的。

4 Feb - cry while read, sing and cry - simultaneously

can u imagine that? how can one cry and read at the same time, and more amazing is --- sing and cry simultaneously too!
Don't know what happened to wq today, but she had stomach-ache early morning, since then, she kept asking for mummy. She acted incredibly when we were ready for the class dismiss.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

oww.. it's pain!

gareth fell down, on the road (he said).
Yesterday his wound almost heal but with the 'fragile' temporary skin that can be seen transparently,
but then today..., he's here with his wound --- double hurt.
妈妈为他清洗伤口及敷药布的时候;痛得他大哭大叫,妈妈也痛在心里: "slowly... it's very pain!!!" he kept repeating to his mum. 血粘着纱布,那伤口的肉也随之粘着纱布,每一撕,血随流,妈妈也每一拔,每每痛。

Monday, February 2, 2009

no cry

6-years-old. newbie here - hr. know nothing much, but good in writing.
i don't want her to peep. Let it be, and I wish to teach you, until u get it. then u'll learn. Please, i have no intention to make u down. I need just your learning heart. u'll be getting better;)have trust in u!

Friday, January 30, 2009

22 & 23 Jan

22 Jan - 2 xiang
2 xiang, 2 crying xiang.
but 1 looking for young teacher - me;
another xiang looking for old teachers - principal and Mdm Tham.

23 Jan - He keeps my words in his heart
Howard is getting independent in his study since last year. He is all by himself to do his homework and study his lessons. 6 of the 6-year-olds, but i'm glad at least he keeps my words with him. He did the writing, and read on the phonics, together circle the words with the phonics sound i taught. Though he still can't read them all correctly, but at least he tried to be better.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I did a big mistake today

yx again. can't stand on his cry, then i get myself in trouble. He don't let go of me, and keep on asking for mummy from me. Since he wants me, then i lost my rationality. He just wants to follow me wherever I go, but i need to get to Tadika Satria today, how? How to solve this problem?
"ok, u want to go with me?"
"yes, I want to be with u."
then, i took him together to Satria. He was crying more and asking to come back.
Only then i realise how wrong i m. i shouldn't take him with me. i should let other teacher to handle him, and i let go of him. his cries just for a short moments, the time will pass;)
I learn a lesson today, a big lesson.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

my mark

yx 喜欢这样做:“我要你眼睛的那粒(痣)。”
then, 他就会做出 “把它丢掉、丢掉。” 的动作。 lol

kl 今天也注意到我梁上的痣了。 可是他并没有大惊小怪; 还告诉我说哪里有去痣的地方,去了痣就会没痣在脸上了。

Monday, January 19, 2009

my 5 years

today is the 1st lesson of my phonics. last year's 5 years seems steady, they can write out their names at the beginning of the year. This year mostly are new students, some of them even can't recognize A to Z. The journey seems to be longer; seems like too much to be learn; so much things to be done ).(

Friday, January 16, 2009

baby crying

yx still insisted not to go into his class. but he is so adorable when he hugs your leg, not letting go of u.
We have Mental Arithmetic class after school today. He was wandering with his bread. Then i saw him taking a chair all the way from the other corner. At first, i thought that he was playing with it, and didn't like to sit on the bench in class, but then i saw his sincere hand patting the chair, like wanted to get me to sit on the chair. How sweet was he! Then another round, the time almost dismiss, he showed his expert act: baby crying sound, all of us were entertained, including the children and parents, and definitely, including myself;) though i said this, "no baby crying here. You are 4 now, not a baby anymore."

Friday, January 9, 2009


翔很baby, 4岁的他,有三岁的样子和个性,说到底,他是年尾出生的孩子、是家里最小的孩子,所以很会撒娇,也很会逗人开心。
cy 的“官方语言”是广东话,特别地爱工作:搬椅子、拿玩具。baby face 的脸,每次见她都想亲一下>.<

Thursday, January 8, 2009

everyone can live without anyone

new parents are worried about their children cannot get into the new environment in the kindergarten. New comers blue, we always have.
"don't leave me here..."
"I don't want to read!"
"I want to go home..."
"I want mummy..."
+ crying
These are the new comers' blues.
Some of them still not getting usual with friends and social; accidentally touch of a friend might be seen as "he/she beats me", some of them like to touch or even scratch their friends, they might think it's an "act of being friends".
Adults, don't expect the kids know everything of right and wrong; they are just kids, they need to be educated,
they need to be told about what is right and wrong,
they need to be shown what they should do and what they shouldn't do,
they need our good examples to be learned from.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

he is fast

he is fast: fast in taking and throwing toys and anything that's in his eyes and on his hands. He likes to climb up the table, he's non-stop moving and always active, can be quiet just for a few seconds.
So I let him to play, but then i realize he wants accompanies. If i let him play alone, sure he'll be back to me. ~.~

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

cutie yx

"he's like a baby, teacher." yx's mum exclaimed.
Then i heard him imitated to cry like a baby. It's funny, cute to see cos he's not really crying, but entertaining us;)
Then he found out that his mummy no longer here; huh... now he started to sob, but just for awhile.
He's such a cutie, that can easily get used to adults, including teachers and friends' parent!

Monday, January 5, 2009

1st day of school term 2009

Yes! Today is the big 1st day back to the school. Wake up a lil earlier to get the stuff ready: cleaning the floor, cleaning the slides, charging the battery to get my camera ready; oops! now only I realize that i've forgot to pray for this big day, but for each of the school days from now onwards, i'll pray hard to get myself and my lovely kids to be good, mm!
Gradually, i can handle the crying kids now. Edward had the longest crying period today, even his brother Howard was with him. 感觉有点成就感,因为终于得到他的信任,终于他愿意停哭了。

Friday, January 2, 2009


School'll be reopened in 2 more days. i'm worried, worried that i have not prepared enough for the lesson plans, worry of handle the newbies, worry that i can't make myself wake up so early in the morning, etc.
Pray God, let's ready for the big 1st day of the year 2009!