25th Anniversary: Graduation, Family Day and Children's Day Celebration

Friday, November 28, 2008


和那几个小子睡午觉... ...
睡得正熟的时候,kk的一声鼻鼾声, 把我吵醒了。

Thursday, November 27, 2008


"the road is soft." (he saw the ads on TV)
"do you think so?"
"the bread is hard, so are the cake, jelly, etc."
"ok, i'll give u a stone tomorrow. It's soft, right?"

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


这里的学生特别吱喳,特别爱吵闹; 读书的时候,就是特别地小声,特别地静。

Monday, November 24, 2008

who is your teacher

"Who is your teacher?"
"My teacher is xiao-lin-lao-shi." (huh? 小林老师)
"My teacher is small-teacher." (haha! 小老师?)
"Please, no chinese-english, no translate. You don't know my name??!"
"My teacher is Miss Lim." (huuuu, finally.)

Friday, November 21, 2008


when kids cry, there must always a reason for that.
today 2 lil 5-year-old sobbing in front of me.
guess what... ...
both of them had the same reason behind...
they poo-poo >.<

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


又是家长投诉。他们找了园长谈,谈了好久。 不明白,为什么就不能对当事老师说吗?园长也没有将详情说白,我至今也不知道他们真正投诉的问题,到底我哪里做得不足。 何苦嘛,家长,有话就当口说明; 难道小孩不明白我的用心良苦;连大人也认为我蛮不讲理??

Monday, November 17, 2008

Holiday Class

一年的学期完了,现在又开始长假了;可是... holiday class 又来了。
真的很想和孩子们异口同声地说:"give me a break!"

Friday, November 14, 2008

Last day of school

Today is the last day of school - term 2008.
They play a lot today:)

Thursday, November 13, 2008



Wednesday, November 12, 2008



Tuesday, November 11, 2008

the difference

today comes another newbie - xc, next year will be with us in our 5-year-old class (hopefully).
now i finally spot how awesome my 3-year-olds are. After attending school, not only they begin to master the singing, dancing, drawing, reading and writing skills, they also explore a lot, socialize, and hand-eye coordinating skills.
ok, rewind back to their 1st day of school... is exactly the same as the newbie today:)

Monday, November 10, 2008


“... ...”

Friday, November 7, 2008

my 3-year-olds still the best!

today i meet a few gorgeous tots, new and old. tt finally back to school with his sister. another newbie comes with jj's sister, they are cousins.
tt stil like to make boxes alone, all by himself, though sometimes a bit stubborn, but he's alwayz lovely with his lil sweet voice and cute look. newbie wa is adorable too. Whenever he heard his cousin sister cries, he'll come to her and give her a hug and sayang.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


“yl, 不要再东张西望了,先把你的功课做好。”
... ... 不久后,就看见她把功课作业都收进书包了。
“yl, 功课都做完了吗?” 她点头,可是动作有点犹豫。
“功课作业全部拿出来,给我看看。” 她的动作慢条斯理,我开始冒火了。
“为什么功课没完成,就把它收进书包?” 不是第一次了,越骂就越气!
拿了藤鞭,就一发不可收拾了。 不但她遭殃,另一头的zj一直叽喳不停,可手却动也不动,也被鞭了。
之后陆续都有冲动,可我答应过自己,园长也警告过:孩子不能鞭、不能打、不能动,也不好骂。 我再气也要控制自己的情绪。
我的心好痛,为什么孩子们就不懂老师的用心良苦? 到头来,苦还是老师自己受: 孩子痛了,父母疼了,老师受罪。


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


今天玩cards, 4&5岁一起参与。4岁不赖,5岁的更不用说。 值得一提的是: 他们常常记不得的“astronaut”, 今天终于给hz读了出来,让我有点意外:)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

new comer --- ShenShen

ss is only 3. He is quiet, he is still learning how to talk.
"What is your name?"
he 'answers', "What is your name?"
I've been asking the same question a few times, but I get the same 'answer'.
Then we introduce his classmates...
"This is zy."
"This is jw."
... ...

Monday, November 3, 2008


“快点” 是我对学生的口头弹,也是很多老师们的口头弹。