25th Anniversary: Graduation, Family Day and Children's Day Celebration

Friday, November 28, 2008


和那几个小子睡午觉... ...
睡得正熟的时候,kk的一声鼻鼾声, 把我吵醒了。

Thursday, November 27, 2008


"the road is soft." (he saw the ads on TV)
"do you think so?"
"the bread is hard, so are the cake, jelly, etc."
"ok, i'll give u a stone tomorrow. It's soft, right?"

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


这里的学生特别吱喳,特别爱吵闹; 读书的时候,就是特别地小声,特别地静。

Monday, November 24, 2008

who is your teacher

"Who is your teacher?"
"My teacher is xiao-lin-lao-shi." (huh? 小林老师)
"My teacher is small-teacher." (haha! 小老师?)
"Please, no chinese-english, no translate. You don't know my name??!"
"My teacher is Miss Lim." (huuuu, finally.)

Friday, November 21, 2008


when kids cry, there must always a reason for that.
today 2 lil 5-year-old sobbing in front of me.
guess what... ...
both of them had the same reason behind...
they poo-poo >.<

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


又是家长投诉。他们找了园长谈,谈了好久。 不明白,为什么就不能对当事老师说吗?园长也没有将详情说白,我至今也不知道他们真正投诉的问题,到底我哪里做得不足。 何苦嘛,家长,有话就当口说明; 难道小孩不明白我的用心良苦;连大人也认为我蛮不讲理??

Monday, November 17, 2008

Holiday Class

一年的学期完了,现在又开始长假了;可是... holiday class 又来了。
真的很想和孩子们异口同声地说:"give me a break!"

Friday, November 14, 2008

Last day of school

Today is the last day of school - term 2008.
They play a lot today:)

Thursday, November 13, 2008



Wednesday, November 12, 2008



Tuesday, November 11, 2008

the difference

today comes another newbie - xc, next year will be with us in our 5-year-old class (hopefully).
now i finally spot how awesome my 3-year-olds are. After attending school, not only they begin to master the singing, dancing, drawing, reading and writing skills, they also explore a lot, socialize, and hand-eye coordinating skills.
ok, rewind back to their 1st day of school... is exactly the same as the newbie today:)

Monday, November 10, 2008


“... ...”

Friday, November 7, 2008

my 3-year-olds still the best!

today i meet a few gorgeous tots, new and old. tt finally back to school with his sister. another newbie comes with jj's sister, they are cousins.
tt stil like to make boxes alone, all by himself, though sometimes a bit stubborn, but he's alwayz lovely with his lil sweet voice and cute look. newbie wa is adorable too. Whenever he heard his cousin sister cries, he'll come to her and give her a hug and sayang.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


“yl, 不要再东张西望了,先把你的功课做好。”
... ... 不久后,就看见她把功课作业都收进书包了。
“yl, 功课都做完了吗?” 她点头,可是动作有点犹豫。
“功课作业全部拿出来,给我看看。” 她的动作慢条斯理,我开始冒火了。
“为什么功课没完成,就把它收进书包?” 不是第一次了,越骂就越气!
拿了藤鞭,就一发不可收拾了。 不但她遭殃,另一头的zj一直叽喳不停,可手却动也不动,也被鞭了。
之后陆续都有冲动,可我答应过自己,园长也警告过:孩子不能鞭、不能打、不能动,也不好骂。 我再气也要控制自己的情绪。
我的心好痛,为什么孩子们就不懂老师的用心良苦? 到头来,苦还是老师自己受: 孩子痛了,父母疼了,老师受罪。


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


今天玩cards, 4&5岁一起参与。4岁不赖,5岁的更不用说。 值得一提的是: 他们常常记不得的“astronaut”, 今天终于给hz读了出来,让我有点意外:)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

new comer --- ShenShen

ss is only 3. He is quiet, he is still learning how to talk.
"What is your name?"
he 'answers', "What is your name?"
I've been asking the same question a few times, but I get the same 'answer'.
Then we introduce his classmates...
"This is zy."
"This is jw."
... ...

Monday, November 3, 2008


“快点” 是我对学生的口头弹,也是很多老师们的口头弹。

Friday, October 31, 2008

pakai tudung

i heard from teachers that Siti won the 1st prize on a coloring contest last week.
This week she has another coloring contest to attend.
She scared that somebody will recognize her. I don't know why she thinks like that. She said, "saya boleh pakai tudung (so that nobody will recognise me)."

Thursday, October 30, 2008

They'r watching!

they are playing the word puzzles... I need to be away for a moment, and i leave them with the puzzle.
when i get back, they still playing quietly. And jw becomes lil teacher, 'playing' my role.
Then we start chatting while playing.
Talking too 'excited', until i can't control my saliva coming out together with my words. zy spots it, "teacher, your saliva is coming out!"

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thursday - Church

what relation these two words have?
But Howard used to remind himself of the 'Church' sound as 'Thurs'.
"哦,'church' 就是 'thursday' 的 'thurs'..." 你想通了吗? 0o^o0 我还是没想通,可是却笑开了怀。

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


“ooo... 我可不帮你的哦。再难、再辛苦,你也要学会自己脱衣服、穿衣服。 不然会被人取笑的啊。”
他静静看着我... ...
其实他很努力地在学习这些基本技能,动作虽然慢了一些,可是他还是可以完成; 为什么就不能给他多一点时间,让他自己来动手做?熟能生巧嘛。

Sunday, October 26, 2008

23rd Annual Graduation & Concert

Yesterday was our kindergarten concert.
Thanks a lot to all the staffs, volunteers and parents for your support and presence.
This is the 1st year i handle the event with greater responsibilities. i gathered the volunteers, job divisions to them and myself controlling the music. but i forgot many little but important things todo. like briefing to MC about what to announce, list out the graduation students, ensure enough seats to all the audiences including reserve seats to VIPs, ensure no blocking on stage, etc. I've to take note about all these next time around, and here to remind myself.
The kids performed excellent! but i have no idea what principal still worried about, she kept rounding on the stage to adjust the line, to take the kids, just can't be relax. Even the teacher lined up them wrongly, but my kids managed to rock as if nothing wrong at all! they helped each other to go on track, this is what i felt warm and touched.

Friday, October 24, 2008


yl is finding her milk bottles from her bag...
she's getting frustrated because she can't find them easily (cos her bag is messy).
"mmm..."(nodded her head) she found her milk container.
"mmm..."(shaking her head) that is not the one she want to search.
"yes!" finally she found her milk bottle.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


while 6-year-old class are playing the matching cards game; the 3 & 4 years were sneaking into the class.
I've spread the cards all over the class. u can guess what I can't take to happen.
but there... aqa came to me with a card slightly wrinkled. And on the spot, 我的火气莫名其妙地大了起来,把全部小班孩子给赶出了课室。

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

js 哭了,一大班同学围着他,是在教他如何不让自己掉泪。

Tuesday, October 21, 2008



Monday, October 20, 2008


"Why is Lily happy?" i was asking the question while pointing the drawing of a kid smiling, with an adult standing beside her, with her thumb's up.
"because she is good..."
"because the teacher said she is good."
"because teacher show her thumb up."
"because teacher said she good girl."
... ...
spot any wrong answer?
for me, they are excellent. They share what they see, what they know, and they dare to speak out.

Friday, October 17, 2008

main belon

"adik mandi ke? kenapa rambut basah, muka basah, badan pun basah?"
"bukan... saya main belon."
Yes, it's happy to see them sweat, get them moving actively and sweating.
Let's sweat, let's get healthy!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


povi 1st yr school in his 6-year. He totally can't understand a single chinese word or even a,b,c when he 1st came. Now is almost the year end. although he's stil weak in the languages of writing and communicating, at least he can understand a little bit, and can speak a little bit with the class and teachers now. Though his mother tongue and the strongest language is Tamil.
He tries to get into the circle, but most of them reject him, including the other indian boy.
in fact, this is how the society today. Never give up, never to be self-pity!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


恳亲会的日子,愈来愈近了; 我们都在加把劲儿地练习。
有时候很气他们都不能记住上下台的步骤,忍不住痛骂一顿后才发觉...原来不是他们不记得,而是我忘了 ---他们正等着我的音乐也。

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


后来,我也‘很辛苦’地吹大了气球, 准备我们的“气球追逐”。
我忘了事前说好游戏规则, 结果...
cy 好兴奋地迎接气球,可他用脚... 一踏! pak!! 气球破了:(
可怜的jw连球都没碰到,不甘愿地、也不舍地 流下了眼泪。

buntut sakit... 13/10

Today is the turn for satria kids to play with the big ball. Definately, dan and farah were the most excited.
Dan is as 'big' as the ball, and he jumped like a frog; and Farah, she jumped like a kangaroo.
the frog jumped fast, he hitted me, his lip hurt a lil bit. I was the only 1 worried, he took the ball, and continued playing as if nothing happenned to him.
Then another while, he bounced from the ball, kena buntut, then he said, "buntut sakit", then continued again.
btw, he still remember what happenned, "tadi mulut darah sikit, sekarang buntut sakit."
Sometimes, it's okay for them to have a little bit scrathes, a little bit hurts, or even some injuries;
they are learning, they are socializing, they are exploring. even you n me learn from our mistakes.

Friday, October 10, 2008

my failure

dua adik... adik. Mereka sporting! main - mereka paling suka. Selain main, Farah suka tulis dan color, bagus! Selain itu, mereka juga suka komputer! Tetapi...
mouse mereka consider boleh handle sekarang, hari ini 1st kali mereka sentuh dengan huruf-huruf di keyboard, dan barulah saya ketahui mereka masih tak boleh recognise huruf-huruf, even A,B,C!! Hampir setahun belajar, mereka masih tak recognise mummy huruf dengan baby huruf. Kecewanya.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

bounce, bounce, bounce

cw is steady since her 3-year-old. it's easy-job for her to hold the chopsticks and this big bouncing ball. Her eye-hand-leg coordination and balancing are excellent.
cy is very very careful bouncing this big ball, but he has fun always. He is picking up most of the things when he plays and even talks.
zy is new. The 1st time she tries a new thing, she will says, "I don't know this..." After she tries, she can master it in a really short time. Now she can bounce the big ball even faster then anyone else, just that a little bit clumsy and lost of balance once a while.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

little 'babysitter'

ch is really good at taking care the younger ones.
Danial stil in Raya mood, crying the whole morning.
Teacher Maria takes him to 6-year-old class, soon i hear his crying no more.
When i step in the class in the next period, there i see him sitting beside ch. ch reads n shows her book to him, he's happy.
hmm... 小孩的世界,大人真的懂吗?坦白说,很多时候我真的搞不懂。

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

they got cold, so do I

these days' weather --- raining mostly. the kids got cold easily. I seldom fall sick, though I know my immune system is weak (That's why I get cold from them this time).

Monday, October 6, 2008

1st day school after Raya

yes, u can guess what happens after 5-day holiday. Terrence was sitting on a swing, wants his mummy. Poviarasu doesn't like reading and schoolwork, he was hanging around at the playing side.
Then i saw cy acted like teacher, scolding and warning them to go back to their class, or else will be beaten by teachers.
This 'no-no' child is now brave enough to socialize around. A smart tot, though a lil bit naughty now.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

my failure

my 5-year-olds... Phonics:
they can read, they can recognize the picture, they can match the words with the pics. They just can't spell out the word if only picture is given.

Monday, September 29, 2008


it's not that the kids don't know how to use the mouse, but the ball-mouses in Tadikas sometimes really hard to control to move smoothly.
Today about 10 of them did the computer assessment 1 at a time. 99% of them facing the same problem --- the 'mouse' problem.
but in my pov, it's good for them practicing their holding and controlling skill.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Do the RIGHT Thing

it's human nature: you know what's the right and wrong thing to do.
And i expect them to do the right thing.
I expect them to do their homework neatly, I expect them to flush the toilet after use it, I expect them to drink their water whenever they feel thirsty, I expect them not to waste food, I expect them to take care of their own things, I expect them to share among friends, play safe and soft. Be more considerate and independent.
But they(even man) are stubborn and selfish, they do whatever they like but not right.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

do u help at home?

i asked yy, "do u help mummy at home?"
he is the eldest, he can do many things neatly.
he said, "i don wanna help her, let her do all the household until tired."
"Why? You r so bad."
"I wanna mop, but mummy chased me away. Never mind, let her do all alone, let her tired."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Kids learn from the people around them: parents, teacher, family and friends.
i always complain that they talk too loud, and listen me with no ears when i talk soft.
Then i discover these: teachers are shouting in the class, parents talk loud with the kids, the friends are loud and scream when play.
How can a 'talk softly' environment be created?

Monday, September 22, 2008


jw 是个聪明伶俐的孩子。上半年的学业是名列前茅的。
这下半年,明显地退步了。 多多少少是因为她的自满。哀哉,可惜。

Friday, September 19, 2008

why shout?

i can't stand on him. ok, not just him, but some of them.
They can shout and yell while playing with each other;
but when come to read, they can hardly open their mouth to read, and sound are soft enough even I want it to be as loud as he can.
i know it's part of my failure: even I can't promise myself not to scold and shout:(

Thursday, September 18, 2008


曾经答应过自己要给他们爱, 可是... ...我一次又一次地食言:(

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


今天第一次和拼concert rehersal,yc 和 jw 从高凳上摔下。
jw 是个有性格的女孩,不哭、也没叫;
yc 则是第一时间哭着要mummy。

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


当小孩说“不”的时候,大人就要顺着他吗? 当然得分析事情的逻辑、好坏吧。
amei“不要”写字。 我尽量‘施软’,说服了她, “两行就行了。”
写完了两行... ...“今天你再写多一行,明天就可以写少一行哦。”

Monday, September 15, 2008


最近发现day care 那几个小精灵,明明是睡醒了,却还继续地装睡。

Friday, September 12, 2008


我... 无聊地站着、奏热闹地看着。

Thursday, September 11, 2008



Wednesday, September 10, 2008


dan n farah r active. Pity to see them doing the 'paperwork' all day long.
Thought of computer, they also like it much. but then...
I saw them punching the door, messed up the children's chart, and ran out. They r having fun! Though the floor outside is dusty, but they hv no worry.
So, since they r having fun, so i change my mind to give them running all about, finding back the stickers that hv been torn out juz now.
4 missing, aqa managed to get back 2. He has great observation during the runs;)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


i'm trying hard to avoid using cane. but they juz can't listen to me. i lost my voice yelling n warning. it juz won't work. My voice can't compete with their noise.
Someone, pls help me...

Monday, September 8, 2008



Friday, September 5, 2008


aqa learnt to write '6' yesterday.
Today i checked his book, his '6' are nice; but i was in shocked when i realized that he has been writing '6' non-stop for more than 8 pages!!! 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666

Thursday, September 4, 2008

“mei, 这是什么?”
“dok dok 的。” (She means they are sharp.)
“牛的头上有角。 记得哦,是‘角’。”

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


是不是我的不专业? 还是家长们有什么不满意之处? 给机会让我们改进; 让我们一起努力---为孩子。

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

cy's sick

1st time i handle a really sick tot. At first i thought it was ok, he was ok, cos he still asking permission from me to play more.
during break, he has no appetite to eat. His forehead can boil an egg!
then teacher Kan asked, "y wait? u should call his parent!" yes. that's what i suppose to do.
cy has no mood to do anything including play. He can hardly even to stand straight and walk. i held him in my arms.
soon, his babysitter came and took him back.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


“yl 来,坐下。”

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

ding dong

teacher showed a banglo house to the kids. it will have the 'ding dong' sound when the door bell is pressed.
"adik, what is this?" teacher pointed to the door.
"ding dong," he said.
"what's this?" teacher pointed to the window.
"ding dong."

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

my drawing

today i tried to do sentences making through my drawing on the white board.
children wouldn't complaint if my drawing is terrible not alike of the real in life. But...
"teacher, why the rabbit has no eyes?" although the rabbit is not alike, but they will complaint not on the drawing nice or not, but they really observe, what i've missed.

Monday, August 25, 2008

pergi ambil

"adik nak tulis?"
"boleh tak adik ambil buku yang adik nak tulis?"
dia menggeleng kepalanya.
"pergi ambil! cepat..." katanya.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

what m i thinking? - 15/8/2008

i almost forgot to drive jw home. luckily she asked when she saw something wrong, "teacher, where are u going?"
or else, i might had forgot she was still in my car!

i've forgot when this happenned:
now is the durian season in Malaysia. Principal brought some to kindergarten one day. some children that love it, they love the smell and taste;
some children hate it, to them, durian is smelly.
hz hates durian, he said to those that enjoyed eating the fruit, "这么臭,你们怎么吃得下?"

Thursday, August 14, 2008

what an indian means when he/she 'menggeleng kepala'

'menggeleng kepala' usually means "No" for us.
But if u see an indian 'menggeleng kepala', it means a "Yes".

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


hz 应该是从老师这里学回来的吧。当他帮了某某同学,他会主动地要求对方说谢谢,且还要对方说出他的名字:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

amei birthday

today's amei birthday. She brought her cake and tit-bits to share with her friends.
After we sang the birthday song; i asked her to blow out the candles.
guess what? 站在旁边的cy比她快一步,把蜡烛全都吹息了!

Monday, August 11, 2008

tikus gigit

"Kenapa Aqa tak datang sekolah? sakit ke?"
he nodded his head and said, "tikus gigit."
He had chicken pox actually, not 'tikus gigit'.

Friday, August 8, 2008

talking to Computer

farah hv a habit... whenever she's impatience with the computer, she will shout n scold at it. She still finds it hard to handle the (ball) mouse.
"Farah, geram apa? computer tak boleh bergerak sendiri, tangan adik yang bergerak."

Thursday, August 7, 2008


jw likes to use this phrase to me : "i don't know."
Teacher gave her worksheet, she can complete it in a glance of time all by herself. A similar worksheet given to her, n this time with my supervision. It becomes worse.
She was depend on me to give her the answers.
"you know it. You can do it. try, try harder!"
Maybe i should leave her alone when she's supposed to 'rack' her brain.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I don like this!

geram betul! when i give out the worksheet, keep repeat and remind them not to repeat the same common mistake again; but they juz can't get me.
I noe something was wrong: I was using a wrong method, they were not cleared enough about what i've said.
I din calm enough to handle my moody temper. Or else, I won't be suffered, as well as they won't be suffered too.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

durian season

now is durian season. Our kids keep falling sick: Fever, cough, cold, throat pain, mouth pain, vomit, etc.
durian is a kind of 'hot' fruit. You have to drink a lot of water after eating it, regardless children or adult.
Do take care of your kids as well as yourself especially in this hot weather and 'hot' fruit season.

Monday, August 4, 2008

my lousy car

after 1 month rest, today the 1st day back to our Smart Reader class. hz surprised me: he has improved a lot, his concentration as well as his phonics word pronunciation. He even better than the top girl last time.

When the time ready to back home, my lousy car didn't sound and move at all.
Bet chet, can't startup my car. Have to call principal to help fetching my lil girl home.

Friday, August 1, 2008


今天和yk mummy 谈起...
是的,那番话真的是我说的。我take off 之前,有向他们交待说我会两星期没来, 而且还交待他们要读fun Reading。 可是该记的他们都没记上。反而我随便说说的,给他们记牢了。

Thursday, July 31, 2008

dialog between yy n kk

"你mummy会做这个吗? (pan cake, he means)"



Tuesday, July 29, 2008


"Hey, hey, what is this?" my 3-year-old cy asked me. I stunned.
A parent pass by... "When is Teacher Lim becomes 'hey'?"

Monday, July 28, 2008


water heater's water is getting hotter; so I adjusted it to a bit cooler. N since the weather today's hot; so i thought it's ok for them to shower in this water condition.
kk was the last tot i showered. Everything seems fine until...
"oh no, you get cold?"
"is the water too cold for you?"
I can tell that.
I felt sorry for him. I should be more aware...

on the other hand, I'm glad to see improvement on him: Finally he managed to take out his uniform and don his shirt n shorts. Though it takes a longer time, but as long as you try your best. Good work!

Friday, July 25, 2008

They enjoyed, but I...

4-year-old just left 2 tots now.
Watching them play; I know that they enjoyed the plays, but I was 'mengantuk'.
I think I should try to get involve next time onwards, or else I can't get rid of 'mengantuk' then.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


"...eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fiveteen..."
"fifteen," teacher corrected them on the spot.
"fifteen, sixteen, seventeen....." then they continued their counting.
This happened in both Tadika Satria n Seri Suria.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


He was sitting aside with his friends, watching me scolding at cs.(I beg your pardon, was I scolding?)
He told his friend, "老师很凶hoh?"

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


"这么久没见到老师,她廋了," yy这么说。

Friday, July 4, 2008


satria left two 4-year toddlers without wh n tete now.
Farah is good in colouring, but writing, cutting and playing she doesn't have the patience and easily gives up.
aqa has mood, when he is in good mood, everything is ok; juz that sometimes, it's a bit hard to pursue him to write more. He is more behaved now; although sometimes he'll act 'intimately' with farah.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

same trick

I'm using the same trick as teacher Chong today.
Last time I complained and discussed with her that I can hardly get aqa to write, even harder to hold his hand and write; but teacher Chong can make him willingly to write a full page, all by himself!
She knows him: he is the kind that need to be informed first of what he needs to do, and if he agrees to do so, he will do it.

"Aqa, nanti boleh tulis sikit tak?"
Dia menggeleng kepala. (He refused to)
"lepas main sekejap, kami tulis sekejap, lepas tu boleh makan breakfast."
"tak apa kalau adik tak nak tulis, nanti cikgu dan farah main sama-sama, adik duduk sini, main sendiri."
seems like having a bargaining with him.
"nak tulis? tulis sikit aja."
finally he nodded his head.

We read some Chinese flash cards, played puzzle, played blocks, then he have done his 'r' writing and followed by makan breakfast. great!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

no means no??

"teacher, i want to play ..."
(why teacher always do not allow this, don't allow that.)

"teacher, i want to play ..."
"yes, after this 1st."
(is it play have to be conditional?)

"teacher, i want to play ..."

Monday, June 30, 2008


"Your nails are long, dirty ..."
Daddy mummy, don't you ever spend a minute with your child? If you do, I'm sure you won't let the situation above happens.
Hygiene is 1 of the reason, and another main reason is to keep all of them playing safe; what occasionally happen are those long nails tots can scratch and hurt their friends easily. Which you --- parents and us don't want it to happen.
How much I can do? Lining them up and cut their nails every couple of days? Or just back to my work (teaching).

Friday, June 27, 2008


kk说是mummy要借来切苹果;可为什么mummy不亲自来借呢? (问题就在这儿。)
再向kk mummy 求证:mummy说没这回事:
那,为什么kk会把它说成 “我要(借)刀呢?”

Thursday, June 26, 2008

“对不起“ 那么难说出口吗?


Wednesday, June 25, 2008


sometimes I'll compare the tots with the people or friends that I know.
Today I saw a familiar face...
I saw my primary schoolmate's face --- loud, funny teeth, having genius look (a bit weird) and acts in between patience and impatience. His face is enough to tell me jokes.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

scissors cutting

The 4-year-olds are started on scissors cutting training, meanwhile, I let the 3-year-olds to tear the pictures in a paper instead of using scissors.
"the first time, must be messy," that was what I thought. But it didn't look as messy as I thought.
The 2nd time now; JW are getting steady; besides cutting out the pictures, she even cuts out words: Chinese characters and numbers!

Monday, June 23, 2008


"adik, apa rasa ubat? adik suka ubat tak?"
"suka. ubat manis!"
Remember that in the book written: “药,是苦的。”
But now, how can I disagree that "ubat rasanya manis"?
Medicine for tots are sweet, not bitter!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Telephone conversation play

"Hello, who is speaking?" "I am ..."
"I am a girl."
"I am Farah."

"How are you?"
"I am fine."


"Hello, siapa ini? Danial ke?"
"Siapa bersama adik?"
"Tak ada."
"Ayah dan mak mana?"
"kat rumah."
"Kak mana?"
"Adik mana?"

They can speak very good with their mother-tongue; but they still need more listening and reading in English and Mandarin.
On the other hand; though we didn't start teaching Bahasa in this young age; but the Chinese already can communicate with the Malays with bahasa.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

they like brainstorming

they have tonnes of idea in their mind.
They don't like to be like the type of 'book worm';
plain reading is dull for them; because they don't like reading, they can't recall and spell the words that they've learnt.
For their age; I think pictures and flash cards are important for them.
Today I hardly get them finish revise the few words that we've learnt, then I concentrate on the theme picture page; only one question I asked, "What can you see in the picture?" and they'll keep on and on telling all the stuff inside there.
"Some more?"
These for encouraging them to answer as much as they can - brainstorming.
I think this method works for them. Sometimes we end up laughing when they can't think of the word in English and replace the word with mother-tongue language's words.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

apa tu?

"cikgu, apa tu?" sambil menunjuk ke mukaku.
"lalat... itu lalat." (maksud saya; tahi lalat.)
sudah berbulan bersama mereka; sekarang baru nampak tahi lalat saya?!
cermin mataku memang berguna. 其实我一直都很在意它。

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


"Huh?!" (整半年了,你还记不得要怎样称呼我?)

Monday, June 16, 2008

shake! shake!!

it's time preparing them for the concert performance.
"ok, we do 'exercise first: 'let's shake our body."
Normally, the kids would enjoy shaking,jumping and running. But there is always exception. Aqa still with his style; he likes to be audience instead of moving up his body.
no forcing. but there are only a few 4-year-old, if aqa really don't wanna join; we only have 3 to perform. to get my 3-year-old to move also not easy; anyway, I have to try harder.

Friday, June 13, 2008

great appetide

my 3 & 4 years have great appetite today. What they bring today?? most of them have nasi lemak today. Is that makcik nasi lemak so tasty??

Thursday, June 12, 2008


孩子们在空当及等待的时候最皮。而,看管的老师, 就只有那一位他们最不放在眼里的老师。我见状,训了特皮的一顿,后也与他们排排坐下。
Bryan 走到我面前,说要坐摩哆; 且教起我怎样‘坐摩哆’。他那壮壮的身体,差不多有我的体重;压(坐)得我动弹不得; 却乐在其中。

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

4 yrs ah 4 years

maybe it was my wrong; I always give then plays until finally when I give them worksheet to do; they don't want to follow the instructions (or maybe juz that they don't know why they should, or they already forgot what I said in the time they're doing).
"colour the high mountain green, leave the small hill, don't colour anything on the small hill. ok?" I've repeated times for the above; but when I checked the books, only wh can do it.
aqa as his usual style, colour the whole, regardless high or short, mountain or hill; at least he got 1 thing right: Green.
farah, I have quite a high expectation form her actually coz she can do things neat. She coloured only the mountain, Syabas! But she just don't think that the mountain would be nice with green colour. She changed to brown colour at the midst.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

new 2++

Today we have a new coming sweetie, 2+.
I like her smiling face, even she's quite a playful girl.
Her smile cheer up my day;)

Monday, June 9, 2008


既然你委托我,那你就要对我有100%的信心与信赖;那是我的工作原则。如果他们的成绩是您唯一要看到的output, 很抱歉,我不是神仙。
ok, 要和大人说的,都说了。
小人呢?不需要和他们说什么; 只要他们enjoy和我一起;不管是说话、游戏、听课、画画、涂色、故事、背诵... 他们都在学习,他们都在进步;只是大人都把重心放在成绩单上;其他的进步他们有放在眼里吗?会放在眼里吗?

Friday, May 23, 2008

miss u

tete and wh have been absent more than 2 weeks.
On this last day of the school term, they turned up.
I thought that after so many days absences, sure they don't like to school;
but I was wrong.
Day back to usual, cute tete still surrounded by his admirer and bullier; wh stil with her leadership look.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


We have group singing this morning.
cy was trying to make himself invisible by hiding behind jw.
shy lil boy;)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


i learnt from the past: the more I force a child, the more aggressive he would be; the more hatred he would be.
yy has 3 writing waiting to be finished: chinese, malay and english. Poor him, I know he doesn't like writing. No forcing, this time, I told myself.
An hour past... another hours past... his writing was hardly filled in a line. It's good, at least there's some improvement.
"which writing you like the most? why not you finish 1 instead of 3, and after you finish 1, I promise to let you play on the abacus." He likes mental arithmetic.
And he did!! ;)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Hari ini hari mendung.
Semasa senaman pagi..., saya ternampak beberapa murid sedang sembayang, sekejap berdiri, sekejap berlutut.
"Kasihanlah kami, tolong jangan hujan... jangan jangan hujan." sambil berlutut.
Really looked like holy-man.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Song for Teacher

Tomorrow will be Teacher's Day.
The kids learnt the teacher's day song since Monday this week.
YY sang the song during his lunch...
"Teacher I love you forever,
Teacher I love you forever;
Teacher ... healthy,
Teacher ... pretty,
Teacher I love you forever."
It sounds great to me. How about your comment?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Graduation Photography

We have photography for our Graduation photos and class photos today.
A same scenario happens every year: it's hard to get the child to smile and act naturally in their individual photo taking.
Fam was the first taking the individual photo, and he can't stand straight and facing straight to the camera;
YK looked so uncomfortable in front of the camera, and forgot to smile;
I asked the children to smile with their teeth showing out, but the cameraman told them not too, for that will 'spoil' the photo.
Gosh, why so hard to take a nice Graduation photo?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

he cried

As usual, when he saw me, he'll ask for "a,a,a" song.
As usual, I always delay what he wants.
"ok, we'll go after JW done her writing."
While JW was doing her works, I went to washroom. But I only informed JW.
When I backed to the class... I can see his tears.
Poor lil CY, must has been beaten by teacher.
JW told me that he tried to go out of the class, that's why teacher bit him.

Later when I ask him in person, "Why u cried? Were you looking for me?"
"Yes." he said. But he had no more tears at the time.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Yew would like to transfer

Yew would be transfered to another school the next term onwards.
Teacher Chong told me the news. "ok." I said.
But my mind was curious and kept asking why. "Is something happened? What the reason would be? Why?"
She was a smart girl, and a talkative one too.
I asked her at the moment we get ready for school dismiss.
The main reason I think I got was, "There's not enough schoolwork from our tadika."
ok, it's absolutely ok for us. It was your choice, and it's up to you if you really think that more schoolworks means more clever and more knowledge they'll get.

Friday, May 9, 2008

the most precious gift to mum

2 days more is ... Mother's Day.
"You've made your mum the Mother's day Card. Don't forget to give it to mum, and together, with your warmest kiss to her too!"
After the children listened what teacher said, some of them pretending falling down from their place, just like what we can see in the movie --- can't help, falling in laughing.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I keep repeating the same mistake over and over again.
I assume they all are me; sometimes I even expect more than what they actually can do, and know how to do.
How can I be so cruel? They're just kids, but I'm trying very hard to push them to learn to be independent. It's for their own good too, that's what my mind says. But I forget that sometimes, there are many ways to show my love. Pamper them once a while can bring some cheers to them and me too.
"Never ever pushing someone to your limit!"

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

How many legs a chicken has?

I was teaching Math tuition today.
Problem solving...
six chickens altogether have how many legs?
"ok, we have to know how many legs a chicken has first."
"I beg your pardon?"
Don't be surprised if u get the answer's 4.
Simply because they never see a chicken in their real life; sometimes, they would assume all animals have 4 legs.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

"Are you feeling sick?"

Kiefer 脸色有点不对劲,也比平时静许多。
"Are you feeling sick?"
"I've stomachache."
Knowing from my experience, they need to go to toilet to get 'relieve' from the stomachache.
But Kiefer refused to go.
"You want to wait until going home?"
He nodded.
Keras kepala betul. ok, nevermind, I continued my teaching.
"老师...我要大便... 我的大便出来了。"
"go, to toilet now!"
Finally he got all his clothes dirty and smelly.
"Told you to go toilet, why you want to wait? wait until it comes out." I started murmuring and blaming.
"If you need to go to toilet, please do so. I know you also don't want to see your clothes become dirty like this, right?"

Monday, May 5, 2008

try to get their interest

when they have interest of what u about to teach or tell, they are willing to spend time for it, the important thing is, they'll absorb and learn effectively.
Play is the key. It seems like a good news, but every child has different interest, different attitude. I need to deal with them physically and emotionally, as well as coping with my own emotions, it's the really hard part for me.

Friday, May 2, 2008


QY is getting improve, and can say a more longer and complete words now.
He is a good listener too.
"ok, let's go back to class, urine and drink some water."
I just said it once. But he can get me well.
He back to the class while I still busy 'restoring' our playroom.
When i arrived in the class, I was seeking him, and a minute later, i saw him coming out from the toilet, closing the door.
He didn't wet his shorts. 2++ child can do all this by himself, amazing.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Satria has puzzle contest today.
Peter Pan and HM are the champion for their class.
What surprised me was they both are not the top students in school, Pan is a very dependent child too.
Guess what, every child has their talent, not ness in academic; and they are more talented and more talents than we can imagine. I bet, your child too;)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

early bird

Ahmei came to school the earliest today. 8.30am school starts, she came at 7.15am.
she's only 4.
Glad to see that she likes school so much.

Monday, April 28, 2008



Sunday, April 27, 2008


昨天补习当儿,身体不舒服;声音也沙哑。Kimi 还是在地上转;我也讲了好几遍,她还是当我没到。
"喝水吧,老师。" Marcus 遂即把我的水瓶拿到我的面前。

Friday, April 25, 2008

Dental Checking??

Nurses came to our school today; it's an annual visit of them to every (I suppose, lucky only) schools.
A gang of them came, in a van; but only one in charged of giving explanation and teeth brushing demo(, dental checking has been omitted).
Satria students joined late cos we need to fetch all of them to Seri Suria.
None of Satrian heard the nurse explanation; half of them managed to join in the brushing demo; half can only became audience because their toothbrush were still "on the way".
Less than half hour, the nursed gone.
Few minutes later, all Satrian arrived.
Principal blamed why we can't fetch earlier. But blames can't make any changes.
We have the giant teeth in our school as well. It's no reason to let them feel disappointed.
We take 2. Principal be our demonstrator at last, and satrian had a wonderful 'learn how to brush session' as well; without presence of a nurse!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Drink water

"Drink your water, please..." I always have to keep reminding the toddlers to drink their water or else, their bottle will still be full from morning until evening.
I'm getting frustrated day after day, repeating the same things.
I hate when they gave me no respond or action after times and times I remind and remind until I show out my angry face, sometimes even burst out to scold and shout and lost control of my hands, just because of the drink water matter.
Dear parents, please forgive me for not forcing your child to drink up their water now onwards.
I don't wanna be a monster in their eyes;
my throat was more dehydrated than their body;
the most, I'm afraid that forcing them will bring a bad impression about water until they hate it so deep inside their heart somedays later.
物极... ...必反!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008



Tuesday, April 22, 2008

embrassed when 1st time kissed

Teacher was telling the Snow White story...
"...and the prince 'muak'(kissed) the Snow White..."
teacher pretending to be the prince, and she kissed on a kid's face.
ooo... he seems like scared of being kissed.
I asked, "Do u scare when people kiss u?"
"I only been kissed by my mummy."
no wonder, others are recognized as 'stranger' to him. That's why he feels bad when others try to kiss him.

Monday, April 21, 2008


学生们见我都是又敬又怕 (敬是尊敬当我在场的时候;怕是怕我的诡计惩罚)。

Friday, April 18, 2008


“Huh?” (我还搞不懂她问什么。)
“Oh...” (我笑了。不知何从回答的同时,也被她的问题难倒了。)
I think she means 'why we have rain falls'.And I try my best to explain to her, begin with the cloud story.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'm five?

"Children, how old are you?"
"I'm fine, thank you," Bryan said.
"I'm five years old."
"Bryan, let's say together,"
"I'm five years old."

Tug at the heartstrings

Zhe seems hating Phonics and Smart more and more after each day.
I have no idea whether or not I'm the big reason for that, or just one parts of the reasons.
He knows how to read. But he has no interest to open the book to read and do the workbooks.
Today is the second time (in this week) he gave me his phonics' textbook and workbook, saying that he don't want the books.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


"after you read for me then you can play the puzzle."
"I don't want. I want to play puzzle first."
"We just finished a puzzle, you read first, the you may play the other puzzle."
"k. Promise you'll read for me after you finish this puzzle."
... ... (after finished the 2nd puzzle...)
"I want to play the dinasour puzzle."
"No. You promise you'll read for me."
"Yes, I'll read if you let me play the dinasour puzzle first."
"You lie to me. You need to read to me now."
"ok lah."
... ... (opening the book...)
"ok, let's read."
"I don't want to read this(previous learnt pages) 1st; I want this(new pages)."
"Let's read from the beginning first, then only we can read the new pages."
"I don't want."

Monday, April 14, 2008

too clever?!

"okay, I'll pass the workbook to you; please write today's day and date, and try out the first question, after you've done the first question, let me have a look. After then, you may continue the rest at home, and don't forget your coloring."
They started to do their works.
... ...
strange..., why the top students seems can't finish the work I asked them to do forever??
... (take a closer look...)
"Can't you listen? just finish the first question, and do the rest at home!!"
They were trying hard to finish all the questions; no wonder.
I was angry. Even those that were not concentrate during my lesson also can follow my instruction, why can't the top students?!! ... ... ("They are too clever.")
"Erase all the rest, I just want the first question to be done!"

Friday, April 11, 2008


today the few mosquitoes in satria bit many of our students.
Teacher Maria discovered a few students had mosquito's bites during the morning exercise. Some are bites, some are skin allergy. After then, more and more student lining up to get medicine.
Teacher Chong and I got the mosquitoes full of blood.
The kids also helped us up to catch those 'dracula'.
(of course, some mosquitoes are so smart and successfully escaped from us.)

Thursday, April 10, 2008


“ling, 去把你的pampers拿来,好吗?”
... ...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

"suka tak"

"Ami suka tak smart reader?" I asked him though he's not my smart reader class student, I assume smart reader=phonics, n i'm teaching him phonics.
"Saya tak suka smart reader."
"Sedihlah saya, Ami tak suka smart reader..."
"suka, saya suka smart reader."
"Gembiralah saya, Ami suka smart reader."
I purposely wanted him to say the words that I like to hear.
Haha, I'm naughty.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

"小朋友... ..."

"小朋友, 跟着我读;要不然我就念一百次给你们听的啦!" 这是郑小老师对大家所说的话。

Monday, April 7, 2008

I'm building up my confident here

fyi, i'm teaching english phonics to the kindergarten classes.
i'm chinese-educated.
It is touching to see the small kids try their best to talk with me in english;
and me too.
They are the ones that building up my confident to talk in English.
Let's learn together;)

Friday, April 4, 2008

"Dah!" atau "Tak!"

"Adik sudah minum air?"
'Tak' was the word I heard, "Tak? Adik tak minum air?"
'Tak' again I heard from his second response.
"Dah!" 'Dah' was the actual word that he was trying to tell me.
"Oh, dah. Baguslah begitu."

Thursday, April 3, 2008


* 爱心 - 爱要说出口。
* 惩罚 - 目标是要让他感觉不舒服,而非让他对惩罚产生害怕或恐惧。
* 奖赏/鼓励 - 不要事前承诺;应该是事后惊喜。

还有一招:“三文治”式说话法 - 即是在要说会令人感觉不舒服的话前后加上好话
好话 + 要说的话 + 好话

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

new fashion

morning exercise Amirul turned to me and said,
"teacher, rambut saya macam Cikgu Maria, ada warna, warna perang."
"Kenapa nak 'warnakan' rambut anda?"
"itu fesyen."
"Ooo.. fesyen..."

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Roti Canai

During tea break...
"Kareem bring roti canai today. Emm..."
"teacher we should eat healthy food," said Bryan.
"Roti canai is made by an egg, and mix with banana."
"You saw before? Are you sure?"
"Yes, teacher."
I think I get his words, the 'egg' that he means was the flour mixture which is an egg shape. and the roti he means was roti pisang.

Monday, March 31, 2008

why u cry?

chin was weeping when i concentrated to teach a few other students to read aloud the rhyme while she was doing her worksheet.
"Why are you crying? Are you feeling sick?"
"Then stop crying. You almost finish your questions, please, don't cry."
I have no time to comfort her or finding out the exact reason.
The class ended just a short while after that.
While waiting the students back home, I raised my question to her again, "Why u cried?"
"Is it my loud voice scares you?"
"... " she nodded her head.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Good Article to share - "丢了翅膀,他仍是天使"





























  一天,我去接他们。走到教室门口,听到有个孩子喊着,你们的哥哥是个傻孩子!我一惊,连忙走进去。我示意正要阻止的老师,决定让孩子们自己去面对。只见阳阳憋红了小脸对那个孩子说,我的哥哥不是傻孩子,他是天使,他丢了翅膀,来到我们家,变成一个世界上最好的哥哥,他只不过还没习惯人间的生活。孩子们发出'哇'的惊叹声,你们的哥哥竟然是天使哎!老师含着眼泪搂过阳阳,对孩子们说,新新是我们班的天使,他会爱我们每个小朋友,还教会我们如何去爱别人。 回家的路上,我的心被女儿编织的故事激荡着。我问她们为什么那么爱哥哥,她们一起回答,因为没有哥哥就没有我们啊!忽地泪又盈满我的眼,原来她们已经牢牢记住了我的话,那么小,就学会了爱和感恩。他们是上天赐给彼此的天使,也是上天送给我最珍贵的礼物。因为他们,我才知道,做妈妈是那么值得骄傲和幸福!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Standing Out

To train the children brave enough to perform on the stage, we've asked whoever can sing in front of his/her friends and teachers, he/she will be rewarded.
At first, teacher asked for volunteering to come forward. Yew likes to present every time when teachers have the similar request; she is a keen performer.
Next, what a surprise when all the teachers see him standing up. YC is not the kind of like to show out. We all gave him a thumb when he stood up, going forward to the front. Though his singing has to be accompanied with his friends singing voices and support; but I do think that he's out standing today;)

Thursday, March 27, 2008


他是要说:“垃圾啊!” 手里握着小小的枯萎小花,一面重复着 “圾啊! 圾啊!”
我在原地望着,边看、边笑、边默默鼓励支持。JC 有进步了。虽然说不正,可是他已会听指示,且把指示完成了也。

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

why hurry?

I've been supervise Marc for his schoolworks about 1 week.
His mother keep complain that his homework had not finish yet though he was under my supervisions; his writing still messy and mistakes somewhere here and there.
he is a primary student, and I think that he should learn to discipline himself about his schoolwork. I don't really take out each and every of his books to check; but I asked him to check his books. It was my mistake, I trusted in his word the 1st time he said that he had already put all his homework in one side after I asked him to do so, it was my mistake too to allow his messy works that were done as in a hurry, and I was false I didn't make sure he checks each and every of his books every time during my supervision.
I've learn some 'lessons' from the past. Today onwards, I'll make sure that I do my part and he does his part.
"Do your work slowly, neatly and carefully; so that you can done it nicely without any redo. You can save your time and energy as well; don't you want these?"

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


When he sees me, he knows that I'll be teaching them Chinese phonics on the day.
It's like a routine; even I didn't ask them to, but the reverse: he ask me to play him the "a,a,a!" songs (phonics songs).
Even they can't say the words, or sing them out completely, but I know they've learn them through their listening of the rhymes and songs.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Zhe tears my flashcard

You can guess why he tore my card. He was upset, angry.
Today he didn't join us in the phonics class. I thought he would like some games, so i asked him to join during the game session.
Unexpectedly, he still refused to join and he tore my card to show his anger.
I have to keep reminding myself that "never ever force the kids to do the things they don't want to do."
After school, we have Smart class. Zhe also not cooperate at 1st, but he was better temper comparing to the morning class. He read to me, and he finished his worksheet as well.Do you know what I deal with him? "Promise me you'll finish your work after you play the puzzle, okay?"

Friday, March 21, 2008

I like Smart Reader!

It was time to say "Goodbye".
We normally have Smart Reader Class after school, except Friday.
Kimi has her Smart class on Tuesday and Thursday. Since yesterday was holiday, This week she only attended a class on Tuesday.
After school today, she acted like normal Smart Reader days, ready to took her bag to class.
"Kimi, your grandpa is waiting."
Then she reversed her steps to the gate.
"You've forget that today is Friday, isit?"
"I like Smart Reader class, teacher."
Hehe, I bet she likes my teaching of Smart.
I finally have a bit of confidence of my teaching;)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

playing dough

We played dough today.
The kids like it so much,
And we got dirty hands.
The time to wash our hands. He 'cincai' washed and went away, and rushed for the slide.
I saw his hands, the dough still stuck in his fingernails!!
"Come, wash your hand thoroughly clean, then you may continue to play."
He still refused to.
"You know what... If your nail still stuck with dirty stuff, bacterias will bite your hand, your hands may get hurt and pain..."
"Ooo... bacterias bite."
After listened to my exaggerated explanation, finally he followed me to the washroom.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

noisy vs quiet

Principal just back from a trip of visiting Kindergartens in Nanjing.
"The kids there are quiet, the teacher talks so softly even i can't hear it, but the kids can hear,"
"Why the kids here are so monster and devil here?"

Monday, March 17, 2008

"Who is your friend?"

"Al, can you tell me who are your friends?"
"My friend is my daddy."
"How about your sister? Do you friend with her?"
"No, she always scolds me."
"Your mummy is your friend not?"
"No, she always scolds me too."

Friday, March 7, 2008

chinese kiasu?!

we play 'giant' ball today.
"hold the handler of the ball, and jump, jump, jump."
not many of them dare to try it. They scared of falling down.
Teacher Chong described Chinese child as 'protected-child', because of parents scaring their kids hurt during plays, they don't have a chance to play variety of games.
The children themselves consequently become passive in plays.
Among our kids, Farah was brilliant. She managed to control and balance in a glance of time. There are only 2 Chinese tried. A boy and a girl. The girl is kind of kiasu lang. She tried after seeing all her friends tries. But she did good and careful. The boy is playful type. He has the heart to challenge himself, and not scares of falling. That's wonderful of him.
3 of them take turns to jump the ball. They jump, jump, and jump many times, again and again, getting more and more enjoy playing with it without tiring.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


CY吵着我要到玩具室开音乐 - 他最爱的歌 - "恭喜"。

他差一点就等不下去了。为了圆他的梦,最后,I did what I had promised.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


铠眼睛像娃娃般, 即使他怠慢无力,我还是爱对着他。
还有很多的例子, 就是特皮的、特差的、特乖的等等印象较深刻。

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

bang himself again!!

Yesterday he bang himself to the pillar, caused a big bump near his eye.
Today, already told him to be careful; and i kept repeating to him that he's not allowed to play outside.
He refused to take a nap, i knew he was tired.
He saw his brother opened the gate, he dash out like a bird getting free, and he can't see what was in front of his way. "Bang!" straight to the pillar. "Ooo... Told you."
He was quiet after then. I had him sat in front of me, in my arms.
"Are you sure you don't wanna have a nap?"
"I want now."
"okay, nap for a while while waiting for mummy,"
an he fell asleep in my arms with his sitting pose.

Monday, March 3, 2008


母亲来接他的前几分钟,整个周围都变得静了,事有不妥:原来他和朋友玩得疯狂忘形,撞向石柱! 整个脸侧明显一条痕。他没哭;反而母亲心疼透了:“不该给他玩啊!... ...”

Friday, February 29, 2008

She is scared of friends

While I was bathing another kid in the bath room, she suddenly cried out and came to me, "teacher, he beats me, I am scared of my friends." I asked her to be at the front of the bathroom so that I can have an eye on her.
I know the other kids, they're naughty sometimes, but they won't beat their friends without reasons. She's a nice girl, and she is the only girl among them; they tried to be friend with her; but she is scared of them; i still can't figure out what's the real reason, why she is scared, are they always bully her? Or she needs some times in meeting with friends and be socialized? Is there any other reason behind her anxiety?

Thursday, February 28, 2008

we have rings

Elyn and I were talking about our necklaces, "teacher, I have money; you don't have," what she meant was the necklace we wear. "Yours is loving ring." Surprised me to heard her saying about "loving ring". "Why u know it's loving ring? Who teach you the words? Your papa mummy have loving rings? ......" I kept asking, but I still longing to get the answer. She only smiled.
I wear a rosary ring actually.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

puzzle vs child development

Wong is excellent in playing jigsaw puzzle; he has full attention and concentration playing with it.
I thought playing puzzle might help in kid's development; but in his case, study is absolutely a hard task for him; logics and tactic in puzzle plays seem don't help a little bit. How come??

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

she don't want to let go of me

Last time when I used to teach her; she liked to play around the class, go around the class, and even bit me from my back.
Today I was assisted in 5-year-old class. Al like to sit with me; directly, because of my existence, she had no concentration on teacher. When i tried to go away, she grabbed my hand tightly and don't want to let go until she accepted my explanation.

Monday, February 25, 2008


她还是看不开,不能和弟弟共融;今天又不爽弟弟霸占一些些排卡位; 闹情绪,乱扔东西,被我骂了一下下就豪声大哭起来。弟弟反而学会体谅,帮忙把姐姐乱扔在地上的卡捡起!小特特,你好棒哦!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Aqa 'finally' got wet

1st meeting among teachers i had already heard a funny story of him. maybe he still not 'comfort' with our tadika toilet. Even when teacher took him to the toilet, 'shh...' him also useless, ask him got any urine not, he even moves his 'bir-bird', but he always shake his head and says, "tak ada ..." whole days of school, he never urine.
Today he finally urine and wet his shorts in school.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

he can recognise them...

just not the time to say them complete yet.
He got all numbers correct.
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10;
one, two, three, four, five, six, ..., eight, nine, ten!
This 2+ Nono can say them out correctly even after i randomize the numbers.
but, do u know why he can't say out 'seven'?
He's still a '1 word' child. saying all things short, just a sound.
He was trying hard to say out 'se.. ven' at last.

Guess what 'ple' stand for? it stands for "principal" :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

what to do when kids get moody?

nothing. do nothing is the best thing to do.
today the sister-brother couple fight again because sister don't wanna share her book with him. at first the sister pushing all stuff away and started to cry. Followed by the brother, get moody and cried too. I tried to comfort them and explained to them. nothing helpful, she even cried louder; he was pushing me away.
Never mind, i said to myself; my voice can't 'fight' with their cries. Just let them be. Definitely my class was having disturbance.
Miracle happened a minute later... both of them stopped crying and played together again!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


他的class teacher 是印度人。Teacher 不曾打骂他啊,他到底怕她什么嘛?

when a child refuse to cooperate 18 Feb

today i have 2 cases of this.
can tell that b4 the moment of child refuse to cooperate with me; something was happened. He gets frustrated when i scolded him for the same repetitive mistake; she refuse to read to me after I stopped her colored messily.

Friday, February 15, 2008

playhouse disturbance

i dislike playhouse putting near our study area or classroom.
偏偏principal had her kindergartens as this condition. She said, "No choice."
last time i was out of control of students going out to the playhouse during the study time. This time is the same; some more they're not "going out", but it is just beside the classroom.
Last time i used cane. This time i use "Time-out".
"Time-out" is not an effective way either.
放过他们吧! at least they read my words, at least they joint in once a while.
no harms, let'em play;)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

nono child

this little sweety is a "nono" child. everyday he comes to school with tears. and the only word that he uses most frequently is "no". so i name his nick as "nono".
today is my 1st day teaching him. i can feel that he likes me, though last times he used to avoid me. he's a smart kid. he can recognize colors and numbers. Guess his age... .. he's only 2++.
and i also discover that he'll shout when he gets excited.
huh... not only him; my bigger 'gangs' react the same.
Why kids would shout when they get excited?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Good morning or Goodbye?

"Good morning, teacher," a student said to me when he came to school in the morning; also, the moment i about to drive to another school.
then Bryan told him, teacher about to leave now, you should say "goodbye" and not "good morning".
He got the point;)
but he neither said "good morning" nor "goodbye" to me until i 'force' him to.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


i fetched my students back today.
arrived her home; after she close the car's door, she knocked me through the window, and pointed inside my car.
i kept looking the area that she pointed. nothing wrong.
but she kept pointing, n i still dono what was wrong.
until she finally gave up.
i watched her going inside her house. then i checked for the last time.
"Oh..." it's my car's bin's lid. They like to play with the lid, and she forgot to close it today:)

Monday, February 11, 2008

CNY Mood?

most of the schools have holiday till today. but our school starts today.
Not many students come today. but my tuition class still on.
it was sincere to have parent dabao of nasi lemak for us --- teachers today. or else, i would only have layer cakes until 2pm.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Complaints again

it's not encouraged of spanking and yelling and scolding in teaching. No matter to children or youngsters or even everyone.
so, what's the best solution?
i tried to be their friend, but they climb on my head;
another teacher using the caning method, i did follow what she did, but it wasn't the best way of all, (beating them, hurting my heart and feeling guilty too);
another teacher that i heard her teaching, she can scream and yell, talking sometimes until hurt the child's esteem. This is the worst i think. but the children would be quite. (actually they're scared of her)
These are the environment i m in now. i need help actually, really. To teach the kids in a better way and effective way. Scare that later n sooner i'll be another misbehavior teacher.

Monday, February 4, 2008


孩子跌倒了;您第一个反应是什么? 多数都不忍心孩子受痛,会赶快扶他起来。That's how we pamper our kids.
还记得这首童谣吗? “自己跌倒自己爬”
让他们学会自己站起来, 学会面对挫折和挑战。

Friday, February 1, 2008


He is a boy that cries every morning when he comes to school. But after his mum leaves, he'll be okay.
Surprise to see him came to me, and called me.
Last time i tried to catch his photo, but he always had a crying face; now he finally smile:)

Thursday, January 31, 2008

just leave him alone

Pan is slowed in writing. Chai is a fast writer, but moderate learner. He can't stand on Pan writing messily, and he erased all the writing that Pan has been trying hard to write.
'Can't you just leave him, Chai?' Pan already slow on his writing, and now even getting worse, he has to write all over again.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

feeling awful

i was wrong. i spanked when i was angry.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


How the way of teaching the kids to be responsible of what they did?
One of the kid throw the crayon on the floor and he refused to pick it up and he cried.
The other one, she accidentally drop the things onto the floor, she refused to pick them up even I said to her gently and helped her along. I was angry of how she reacted to me. i picked them up. And straight after then, i turned to other kids and left her alone. I didn't response any words of her; i didn't join her in our playing.
She is a clever girl. She'll know what's the right thing to do next time.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Sister n Brother

sweet little 'couple' sister and brother have fights today.
The 3-year-old brother always must has his sister by his side. She even need to accompany him to toilet and anywhere even she can help nothing physically.
Today they fight. 1st they argued about some matter; and moment later their fists coming out. Brother said he don love her anymore, he don want to love her anymore. Sister said he's naughty, he should be punished.

Friday, January 25, 2008

it's hurt when u scold me

"I'm just a little child; i still have many things to learn and to discover."
"Please, don scold me when you're angry. It's hurt when u scold me."
Parents, teachers, we used to be a child when we were small. Even now, we know it very well that it's hurt when we've been scolded.
Pity she has been scolded because she dono writing. She cried silently. Only a few weeks after school reopen, she's new; what u expect?
It's not easy to teach a child from knowing nothing to knowing something; and it's even tougher for the child learning from nothing to knowing everything.
I can't paying my full attention to guide her all the time cos i still have a few others to look after to.
Felt sorry that i only have 2 hands, felt sorry that she has been scolded fiercely by a 'lion'.
Parents, hope u do care for your own child. Guide them and support them all the way for they'll be genius someday!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

playful 4-year-olds

Kids are kids. They like to play.
Farah was upset today after i stopped the toys playing (after few minutes of playing time). I was tenderhearted, i let them played again, and we changed toys and games after then.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


u know how super for us to expert in 3 languages. Nowadays, kids learn these 3 languages as early as during their early childhood education.
today we learn about Family. Teacher asked, "Who is this?", (showing the picture,) my 4-year-old shouts with confident: "Kakak!" yes, she got it correct, but in Malay.

Monday, January 21, 2008

why he treat me like this?

when i talk to him gently, he would become a lazy worm. Sometimes even play hide-n-seek with me during the lesson time. The more i use the gentle way, the more reluctant and not cooperative he would be.
Today i talk seriously to him, even shouted at him. i know not these that change his behavior; but the name of the other teacher that he scared of has been heard. He is disciplined enough today. He does his work all by himself and join in our circle as well;)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

孩子 我在乎你

“从心规划 一日营” ---今天整天的课包括了亲子生涯规划、父母学习规划 及 父母理财规划。
亲子生涯规划 提的是与孩子及配偶的生活;
父母学习规划 重点是大人的时间都用去哪里了?是时候把时间找出来了。
父母理财规划 提醒我们开源节流,我们赚的钱都用去哪儿啦?
讲师们分享了他们个人的经历和生活,身教的重要。Children See, Children Do.

Friday, January 18, 2008

little cute naughty

This lil monster would kiss his fren, that's lovely; but a moment swift, he'll punch his fren in turn.
Guess how he treat me. He always treat me de latter 1.
He's a silent attacker. but he's cute when he speak. His voice is so soft n 'tiny'. n so far, i can hardly catch 40% of what he says.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

c. o. c. o. n. u. t.

This was a fingerplay i teached the 5-year-olds last year (jus a few minutes time). They'r 6 now. n i'm grateful that they still remember it;)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

kids in logo

Crystal baby

Crystal baby and coloured growing are something of what our kids interest to have recently. small seeds that'll grow when u put them into the water. and the crystal babies will one day born another crystal babies. Some will grow become gigantic.
they'r nice. jus like the coloured jelly balls.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


i'm scared of thunder. n so do many of the little ones.
Dickson's heart beats was triple faster after frightened by a loud thunder.
He was not the only 1. They ran to me all at once, but he was the one still stayed in me after the thunderclap.

"Teacher, u'r cute" >.<

those'r the words from my age 6 student during the 1st lesson of Phonics in Tadika Satria. it's like the warm welcome to me. I smiled, as well as smiling in my heart.