25th Anniversary: Graduation, Family Day and Children's Day Celebration

Monday, March 31, 2008

why u cry?

chin was weeping when i concentrated to teach a few other students to read aloud the rhyme while she was doing her worksheet.
"Why are you crying? Are you feeling sick?"
"Then stop crying. You almost finish your questions, please, don't cry."
I have no time to comfort her or finding out the exact reason.
The class ended just a short while after that.
While waiting the students back home, I raised my question to her again, "Why u cried?"
"Is it my loud voice scares you?"
"... " she nodded her head.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Good Article to share - "丢了翅膀,他仍是天使"





























  一天,我去接他们。走到教室门口,听到有个孩子喊着,你们的哥哥是个傻孩子!我一惊,连忙走进去。我示意正要阻止的老师,决定让孩子们自己去面对。只见阳阳憋红了小脸对那个孩子说,我的哥哥不是傻孩子,他是天使,他丢了翅膀,来到我们家,变成一个世界上最好的哥哥,他只不过还没习惯人间的生活。孩子们发出'哇'的惊叹声,你们的哥哥竟然是天使哎!老师含着眼泪搂过阳阳,对孩子们说,新新是我们班的天使,他会爱我们每个小朋友,还教会我们如何去爱别人。 回家的路上,我的心被女儿编织的故事激荡着。我问她们为什么那么爱哥哥,她们一起回答,因为没有哥哥就没有我们啊!忽地泪又盈满我的眼,原来她们已经牢牢记住了我的话,那么小,就学会了爱和感恩。他们是上天赐给彼此的天使,也是上天送给我最珍贵的礼物。因为他们,我才知道,做妈妈是那么值得骄傲和幸福!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Standing Out

To train the children brave enough to perform on the stage, we've asked whoever can sing in front of his/her friends and teachers, he/she will be rewarded.
At first, teacher asked for volunteering to come forward. Yew likes to present every time when teachers have the similar request; she is a keen performer.
Next, what a surprise when all the teachers see him standing up. YC is not the kind of like to show out. We all gave him a thumb when he stood up, going forward to the front. Though his singing has to be accompanied with his friends singing voices and support; but I do think that he's out standing today;)

Thursday, March 27, 2008


他是要说:“垃圾啊!” 手里握着小小的枯萎小花,一面重复着 “圾啊! 圾啊!”
我在原地望着,边看、边笑、边默默鼓励支持。JC 有进步了。虽然说不正,可是他已会听指示,且把指示完成了也。

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

why hurry?

I've been supervise Marc for his schoolworks about 1 week.
His mother keep complain that his homework had not finish yet though he was under my supervisions; his writing still messy and mistakes somewhere here and there.
he is a primary student, and I think that he should learn to discipline himself about his schoolwork. I don't really take out each and every of his books to check; but I asked him to check his books. It was my mistake, I trusted in his word the 1st time he said that he had already put all his homework in one side after I asked him to do so, it was my mistake too to allow his messy works that were done as in a hurry, and I was false I didn't make sure he checks each and every of his books every time during my supervision.
I've learn some 'lessons' from the past. Today onwards, I'll make sure that I do my part and he does his part.
"Do your work slowly, neatly and carefully; so that you can done it nicely without any redo. You can save your time and energy as well; don't you want these?"

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


When he sees me, he knows that I'll be teaching them Chinese phonics on the day.
It's like a routine; even I didn't ask them to, but the reverse: he ask me to play him the "a,a,a!" songs (phonics songs).
Even they can't say the words, or sing them out completely, but I know they've learn them through their listening of the rhymes and songs.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Zhe tears my flashcard

You can guess why he tore my card. He was upset, angry.
Today he didn't join us in the phonics class. I thought he would like some games, so i asked him to join during the game session.
Unexpectedly, he still refused to join and he tore my card to show his anger.
I have to keep reminding myself that "never ever force the kids to do the things they don't want to do."
After school, we have Smart class. Zhe also not cooperate at 1st, but he was better temper comparing to the morning class. He read to me, and he finished his worksheet as well.Do you know what I deal with him? "Promise me you'll finish your work after you play the puzzle, okay?"

Friday, March 21, 2008

I like Smart Reader!

It was time to say "Goodbye".
We normally have Smart Reader Class after school, except Friday.
Kimi has her Smart class on Tuesday and Thursday. Since yesterday was holiday, This week she only attended a class on Tuesday.
After school today, she acted like normal Smart Reader days, ready to took her bag to class.
"Kimi, your grandpa is waiting."
Then she reversed her steps to the gate.
"You've forget that today is Friday, isit?"
"I like Smart Reader class, teacher."
Hehe, I bet she likes my teaching of Smart.
I finally have a bit of confidence of my teaching;)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

playing dough

We played dough today.
The kids like it so much,
And we got dirty hands.
The time to wash our hands. He 'cincai' washed and went away, and rushed for the slide.
I saw his hands, the dough still stuck in his fingernails!!
"Come, wash your hand thoroughly clean, then you may continue to play."
He still refused to.
"You know what... If your nail still stuck with dirty stuff, bacterias will bite your hand, your hands may get hurt and pain..."
"Ooo... bacterias bite."
After listened to my exaggerated explanation, finally he followed me to the washroom.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

noisy vs quiet

Principal just back from a trip of visiting Kindergartens in Nanjing.
"The kids there are quiet, the teacher talks so softly even i can't hear it, but the kids can hear,"
"Why the kids here are so monster and devil here?"

Monday, March 17, 2008

"Who is your friend?"

"Al, can you tell me who are your friends?"
"My friend is my daddy."
"How about your sister? Do you friend with her?"
"No, she always scolds me."
"Your mummy is your friend not?"
"No, she always scolds me too."

Friday, March 7, 2008

chinese kiasu?!

we play 'giant' ball today.
"hold the handler of the ball, and jump, jump, jump."
not many of them dare to try it. They scared of falling down.
Teacher Chong described Chinese child as 'protected-child', because of parents scaring their kids hurt during plays, they don't have a chance to play variety of games.
The children themselves consequently become passive in plays.
Among our kids, Farah was brilliant. She managed to control and balance in a glance of time. There are only 2 Chinese tried. A boy and a girl. The girl is kind of kiasu lang. She tried after seeing all her friends tries. But she did good and careful. The boy is playful type. He has the heart to challenge himself, and not scares of falling. That's wonderful of him.
3 of them take turns to jump the ball. They jump, jump, and jump many times, again and again, getting more and more enjoy playing with it without tiring.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


CY吵着我要到玩具室开音乐 - 他最爱的歌 - "恭喜"。

他差一点就等不下去了。为了圆他的梦,最后,I did what I had promised.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


铠眼睛像娃娃般, 即使他怠慢无力,我还是爱对着他。
还有很多的例子, 就是特皮的、特差的、特乖的等等印象较深刻。

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

bang himself again!!

Yesterday he bang himself to the pillar, caused a big bump near his eye.
Today, already told him to be careful; and i kept repeating to him that he's not allowed to play outside.
He refused to take a nap, i knew he was tired.
He saw his brother opened the gate, he dash out like a bird getting free, and he can't see what was in front of his way. "Bang!" straight to the pillar. "Ooo... Told you."
He was quiet after then. I had him sat in front of me, in my arms.
"Are you sure you don't wanna have a nap?"
"I want now."
"okay, nap for a while while waiting for mummy,"
an he fell asleep in my arms with his sitting pose.

Monday, March 3, 2008


母亲来接他的前几分钟,整个周围都变得静了,事有不妥:原来他和朋友玩得疯狂忘形,撞向石柱! 整个脸侧明显一条痕。他没哭;反而母亲心疼透了:“不该给他玩啊!... ...”