25th Anniversary: Graduation, Family Day and Children's Day Celebration

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Satria has puzzle contest today.
Peter Pan and HM are the champion for their class.
What surprised me was they both are not the top students in school, Pan is a very dependent child too.
Guess what, every child has their talent, not ness in academic; and they are more talented and more talents than we can imagine. I bet, your child too;)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

early bird

Ahmei came to school the earliest today. 8.30am school starts, she came at 7.15am.
she's only 4.
Glad to see that she likes school so much.

Monday, April 28, 2008



Sunday, April 27, 2008


昨天补习当儿,身体不舒服;声音也沙哑。Kimi 还是在地上转;我也讲了好几遍,她还是当我没到。
"喝水吧,老师。" Marcus 遂即把我的水瓶拿到我的面前。

Friday, April 25, 2008

Dental Checking??

Nurses came to our school today; it's an annual visit of them to every (I suppose, lucky only) schools.
A gang of them came, in a van; but only one in charged of giving explanation and teeth brushing demo(, dental checking has been omitted).
Satria students joined late cos we need to fetch all of them to Seri Suria.
None of Satrian heard the nurse explanation; half of them managed to join in the brushing demo; half can only became audience because their toothbrush were still "on the way".
Less than half hour, the nursed gone.
Few minutes later, all Satrian arrived.
Principal blamed why we can't fetch earlier. But blames can't make any changes.
We have the giant teeth in our school as well. It's no reason to let them feel disappointed.
We take 2. Principal be our demonstrator at last, and satrian had a wonderful 'learn how to brush session' as well; without presence of a nurse!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Drink water

"Drink your water, please..." I always have to keep reminding the toddlers to drink their water or else, their bottle will still be full from morning until evening.
I'm getting frustrated day after day, repeating the same things.
I hate when they gave me no respond or action after times and times I remind and remind until I show out my angry face, sometimes even burst out to scold and shout and lost control of my hands, just because of the drink water matter.
Dear parents, please forgive me for not forcing your child to drink up their water now onwards.
I don't wanna be a monster in their eyes;
my throat was more dehydrated than their body;
the most, I'm afraid that forcing them will bring a bad impression about water until they hate it so deep inside their heart somedays later.
物极... ...必反!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008



Tuesday, April 22, 2008

embrassed when 1st time kissed

Teacher was telling the Snow White story...
"...and the prince 'muak'(kissed) the Snow White..."
teacher pretending to be the prince, and she kissed on a kid's face.
ooo... he seems like scared of being kissed.
I asked, "Do u scare when people kiss u?"
"I only been kissed by my mummy."
no wonder, others are recognized as 'stranger' to him. That's why he feels bad when others try to kiss him.

Monday, April 21, 2008


学生们见我都是又敬又怕 (敬是尊敬当我在场的时候;怕是怕我的诡计惩罚)。

Friday, April 18, 2008


“Huh?” (我还搞不懂她问什么。)
“Oh...” (我笑了。不知何从回答的同时,也被她的问题难倒了。)
I think she means 'why we have rain falls'.And I try my best to explain to her, begin with the cloud story.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'm five?

"Children, how old are you?"
"I'm fine, thank you," Bryan said.
"I'm five years old."
"Bryan, let's say together,"
"I'm five years old."

Tug at the heartstrings

Zhe seems hating Phonics and Smart more and more after each day.
I have no idea whether or not I'm the big reason for that, or just one parts of the reasons.
He knows how to read. But he has no interest to open the book to read and do the workbooks.
Today is the second time (in this week) he gave me his phonics' textbook and workbook, saying that he don't want the books.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


"after you read for me then you can play the puzzle."
"I don't want. I want to play puzzle first."
"We just finished a puzzle, you read first, the you may play the other puzzle."
"k. Promise you'll read for me after you finish this puzzle."
... ... (after finished the 2nd puzzle...)
"I want to play the dinasour puzzle."
"No. You promise you'll read for me."
"Yes, I'll read if you let me play the dinasour puzzle first."
"You lie to me. You need to read to me now."
"ok lah."
... ... (opening the book...)
"ok, let's read."
"I don't want to read this(previous learnt pages) 1st; I want this(new pages)."
"Let's read from the beginning first, then only we can read the new pages."
"I don't want."

Monday, April 14, 2008

too clever?!

"okay, I'll pass the workbook to you; please write today's day and date, and try out the first question, after you've done the first question, let me have a look. After then, you may continue the rest at home, and don't forget your coloring."
They started to do their works.
... ...
strange..., why the top students seems can't finish the work I asked them to do forever??
... (take a closer look...)
"Can't you listen? just finish the first question, and do the rest at home!!"
They were trying hard to finish all the questions; no wonder.
I was angry. Even those that were not concentrate during my lesson also can follow my instruction, why can't the top students?!! ... ... ("They are too clever.")
"Erase all the rest, I just want the first question to be done!"

Friday, April 11, 2008


today the few mosquitoes in satria bit many of our students.
Teacher Maria discovered a few students had mosquito's bites during the morning exercise. Some are bites, some are skin allergy. After then, more and more student lining up to get medicine.
Teacher Chong and I got the mosquitoes full of blood.
The kids also helped us up to catch those 'dracula'.
(of course, some mosquitoes are so smart and successfully escaped from us.)

Thursday, April 10, 2008


“ling, 去把你的pampers拿来,好吗?”
... ...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

"suka tak"

"Ami suka tak smart reader?" I asked him though he's not my smart reader class student, I assume smart reader=phonics, n i'm teaching him phonics.
"Saya tak suka smart reader."
"Sedihlah saya, Ami tak suka smart reader..."
"suka, saya suka smart reader."
"Gembiralah saya, Ami suka smart reader."
I purposely wanted him to say the words that I like to hear.
Haha, I'm naughty.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

"小朋友... ..."

"小朋友, 跟着我读;要不然我就念一百次给你们听的啦!" 这是郑小老师对大家所说的话。

Monday, April 7, 2008

I'm building up my confident here

fyi, i'm teaching english phonics to the kindergarten classes.
i'm chinese-educated.
It is touching to see the small kids try their best to talk with me in english;
and me too.
They are the ones that building up my confident to talk in English.
Let's learn together;)

Friday, April 4, 2008

"Dah!" atau "Tak!"

"Adik sudah minum air?"
'Tak' was the word I heard, "Tak? Adik tak minum air?"
'Tak' again I heard from his second response.
"Dah!" 'Dah' was the actual word that he was trying to tell me.
"Oh, dah. Baguslah begitu."

Thursday, April 3, 2008


* 爱心 - 爱要说出口。
* 惩罚 - 目标是要让他感觉不舒服,而非让他对惩罚产生害怕或恐惧。
* 奖赏/鼓励 - 不要事前承诺;应该是事后惊喜。

还有一招:“三文治”式说话法 - 即是在要说会令人感觉不舒服的话前后加上好话
好话 + 要说的话 + 好话

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

new fashion

morning exercise Amirul turned to me and said,
"teacher, rambut saya macam Cikgu Maria, ada warna, warna perang."
"Kenapa nak 'warnakan' rambut anda?"
"itu fesyen."
"Ooo.. fesyen..."

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Roti Canai

During tea break...
"Kareem bring roti canai today. Emm..."
"teacher we should eat healthy food," said Bryan.
"Roti canai is made by an egg, and mix with banana."
"You saw before? Are you sure?"
"Yes, teacher."
I think I get his words, the 'egg' that he means was the flour mixture which is an egg shape. and the roti he means was roti pisang.