25th Anniversary: Graduation, Family Day and Children's Day Celebration

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

H1N1 恐慌

H1N1袭击芙蓉了,难免有的家长会担心。 可是,偏偏孩子们平常都有一般流感---感冒、伤风、咳嗽,这个非常时期更不用说。

今天抚摸了几个孩子,都觉得他们额头稍热(还是自己的手冰冷?)。 小心小心... 怕怕... ...

Monday, June 29, 2009


7月的half-day trip, 因为人数的关系;园方不得不下次策--- 割爱跟随的家长 (要求跟随的家长放心孩子跟大队,由老师带队出trip)

家长们都有不同的reaction, 庆幸大部分的都通情达理, 放心让孩子跟队; 有的真的很不放心的家长们,你们都可以跟随,只是位子真的要挤一挤哦。

孩子们难得有一日游,他们会遵守指示、乖巧听话的。 若有什么事情发生,也会是使孩子们长一智之事 --- “不经一事,不长一智”嘛。

爸爸妈妈们,请您放100个心 :)

Friday, June 26, 2009



他们会读,会写; 是因为他们时常接触(sense)、重复看、重复朗读(repetition)。

but are they really understood what they've learnt?



Thursday, June 25, 2009

no time, pls don't scold

this year i in charge most of the concert performance, especially for music and movement. 1,3,5 in Satria; 2,4 in Seri Suria. But the performance i in charge in SS are more, and only 2 days a week to practise. Have to bear in mind, without my presence, teachers won't give them any practise at all; that's what makes me worry.

5-year-old dance not yet confirm the steps, and they even not sure about the steps that i've been tought.

With all uncertain steps, and mess movements, then principal and teacher started to show out their dissatisfaction, started to blame and scold for their mistakes' steps.

if u'r the child, what would u feel?

They refused to be under the pressure. What can I do? The practise can't be continued.

"Next performance, get ready..."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

tell lie II

they are not discipline enough when giving them choice and freedom.
They lied that they've done their schoolwork, and play.
Until i back. They kept quiet and rushing to take out their works to do.

i did tell them that if there's a next time, i won't be beating anymore, but give them more works to do, and no playing time for that day. But i was angry and beat kk once, Then only i remember what i've told them.

i get them to write a piece of nice and neat writing; "I won't tell lie again."

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

fold hands, fold legs

rubenesh is a smart and intelligent tot.
Though he only 3 years old, but he can randomly remember some alphabets, and some of the things that he only see or heard once.

"fold your hands, and fold your legs." this was the instruction i gave for him yesterday to keep him calm and quiet.

Today, when i warn him to sit nicely and quietly in class, he did what i didn't tell ---"fold hands, fold legs."

"Yes. Good like this. Keep like this." :)

Monday, June 22, 2009


对学生,也不必太苛求; 现在他总学不会、记不得;都没什么大不了的; 当他开窍了,时机到了,他就会自然而然地掌握学好。
放慢脚步,不给予任何压力,可能会有我们预想不到的结果 :)

Friday, June 19, 2009


After wa having goodbye kiss with mummy, then he asked, “mummy, 今天你没做工吗?”
“then, 你还不去上班吗?” (好像要把妈妈赶快‘赶走’似的)
“ok, ok.”

Thursday, June 18, 2009

cry... silent... cry... silent...

kj always has his kakak accompanies him at school; this makes him the only dependable child here, and he learns nothing because he is not with his classmates, but kakak.

principal needs kak coorperation: leave him, though he cries and screams.
Yes, today he cries a lot, but he do silents sometimes when he plays, writes, and eats.

The time before going home, he's silent :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

i'm forcing!!

everyone takes turn to write 1,2,3 on the whiteboard. cy kept turning to the wrong side for her '3'.

Then i seems of wanting her to try harder, until i forgot that i'm forcing her to do it.

At last, she turned away, she just don't want to try anymore.

[Reminder for me: encourage them, but never force it. NEVER!]

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

he missed school:)

yx mummy said, the 2 weeks school holiday, he woke up early in the morning, and wondering "why mummy is not taking me to 'teacher house'?"
He thought mummy is not brining him to school anymore, because he didn't like writing and schoolwork.

He's doing great today. He count and write the answers all by his own, and he got all correct!!

Monday, June 15, 2009


wa很习惯性地,每次我们玩games、活动,他都会帮同学加油,还会加上这句话:“快点! 加油! 我们没时间啦!” ^^ ^^