25th Anniversary: Graduation, Family Day and Children's Day Celebration

Friday, January 30, 2009

22 & 23 Jan

22 Jan - 2 xiang
2 xiang, 2 crying xiang.
but 1 looking for young teacher - me;
another xiang looking for old teachers - principal and Mdm Tham.

23 Jan - He keeps my words in his heart
Howard is getting independent in his study since last year. He is all by himself to do his homework and study his lessons. 6 of the 6-year-olds, but i'm glad at least he keeps my words with him. He did the writing, and read on the phonics, together circle the words with the phonics sound i taught. Though he still can't read them all correctly, but at least he tried to be better.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I did a big mistake today

yx again. can't stand on his cry, then i get myself in trouble. He don't let go of me, and keep on asking for mummy from me. Since he wants me, then i lost my rationality. He just wants to follow me wherever I go, but i need to get to Tadika Satria today, how? How to solve this problem?
"ok, u want to go with me?"
"yes, I want to be with u."
then, i took him together to Satria. He was crying more and asking to come back.
Only then i realise how wrong i m. i shouldn't take him with me. i should let other teacher to handle him, and i let go of him. his cries just for a short moments, the time will pass;)
I learn a lesson today, a big lesson.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

my mark

yx 喜欢这样做:“我要你眼睛的那粒(痣)。”
then, 他就会做出 “把它丢掉、丢掉。” 的动作。 lol

kl 今天也注意到我梁上的痣了。 可是他并没有大惊小怪; 还告诉我说哪里有去痣的地方,去了痣就会没痣在脸上了。

Monday, January 19, 2009

my 5 years

today is the 1st lesson of my phonics. last year's 5 years seems steady, they can write out their names at the beginning of the year. This year mostly are new students, some of them even can't recognize A to Z. The journey seems to be longer; seems like too much to be learn; so much things to be done ).(

Friday, January 16, 2009

baby crying

yx still insisted not to go into his class. but he is so adorable when he hugs your leg, not letting go of u.
We have Mental Arithmetic class after school today. He was wandering with his bread. Then i saw him taking a chair all the way from the other corner. At first, i thought that he was playing with it, and didn't like to sit on the bench in class, but then i saw his sincere hand patting the chair, like wanted to get me to sit on the chair. How sweet was he! Then another round, the time almost dismiss, he showed his expert act: baby crying sound, all of us were entertained, including the children and parents, and definitely, including myself;) though i said this, "no baby crying here. You are 4 now, not a baby anymore."

Friday, January 9, 2009


翔很baby, 4岁的他,有三岁的样子和个性,说到底,他是年尾出生的孩子、是家里最小的孩子,所以很会撒娇,也很会逗人开心。
cy 的“官方语言”是广东话,特别地爱工作:搬椅子、拿玩具。baby face 的脸,每次见她都想亲一下>.<

Thursday, January 8, 2009

everyone can live without anyone

new parents are worried about their children cannot get into the new environment in the kindergarten. New comers blue, we always have.
"don't leave me here..."
"I don't want to read!"
"I want to go home..."
"I want mummy..."
+ crying
These are the new comers' blues.
Some of them still not getting usual with friends and social; accidentally touch of a friend might be seen as "he/she beats me", some of them like to touch or even scratch their friends, they might think it's an "act of being friends".
Adults, don't expect the kids know everything of right and wrong; they are just kids, they need to be educated,
they need to be told about what is right and wrong,
they need to be shown what they should do and what they shouldn't do,
they need our good examples to be learned from.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

he is fast

he is fast: fast in taking and throwing toys and anything that's in his eyes and on his hands. He likes to climb up the table, he's non-stop moving and always active, can be quiet just for a few seconds.
So I let him to play, but then i realize he wants accompanies. If i let him play alone, sure he'll be back to me. ~.~

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

cutie yx

"he's like a baby, teacher." yx's mum exclaimed.
Then i heard him imitated to cry like a baby. It's funny, cute to see cos he's not really crying, but entertaining us;)
Then he found out that his mummy no longer here; huh... now he started to sob, but just for awhile.
He's such a cutie, that can easily get used to adults, including teachers and friends' parent!

Monday, January 5, 2009

1st day of school term 2009

Yes! Today is the big 1st day back to the school. Wake up a lil earlier to get the stuff ready: cleaning the floor, cleaning the slides, charging the battery to get my camera ready; oops! now only I realize that i've forgot to pray for this big day, but for each of the school days from now onwards, i'll pray hard to get myself and my lovely kids to be good, mm!
Gradually, i can handle the crying kids now. Edward had the longest crying period today, even his brother Howard was with him. 感觉有点成就感,因为终于得到他的信任,终于他愿意停哭了。

Friday, January 2, 2009


School'll be reopened in 2 more days. i'm worried, worried that i have not prepared enough for the lesson plans, worry of handle the newbies, worry that i can't make myself wake up so early in the morning, etc.
Pray God, let's ready for the big 1st day of the year 2009!