25th Anniversary: Graduation, Family Day and Children's Day Celebration

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

my failure

my 5-year-olds... Phonics:
they can read, they can recognize the picture, they can match the words with the pics. They just can't spell out the word if only picture is given.

Monday, September 29, 2008


it's not that the kids don't know how to use the mouse, but the ball-mouses in Tadikas sometimes really hard to control to move smoothly.
Today about 10 of them did the computer assessment 1 at a time. 99% of them facing the same problem --- the 'mouse' problem.
but in my pov, it's good for them practicing their holding and controlling skill.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Do the RIGHT Thing

it's human nature: you know what's the right and wrong thing to do.
And i expect them to do the right thing.
I expect them to do their homework neatly, I expect them to flush the toilet after use it, I expect them to drink their water whenever they feel thirsty, I expect them not to waste food, I expect them to take care of their own things, I expect them to share among friends, play safe and soft. Be more considerate and independent.
But they(even man) are stubborn and selfish, they do whatever they like but not right.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

do u help at home?

i asked yy, "do u help mummy at home?"
he is the eldest, he can do many things neatly.
he said, "i don wanna help her, let her do all the household until tired."
"Why? You r so bad."
"I wanna mop, but mummy chased me away. Never mind, let her do all alone, let her tired."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Kids learn from the people around them: parents, teacher, family and friends.
i always complain that they talk too loud, and listen me with no ears when i talk soft.
Then i discover these: teachers are shouting in the class, parents talk loud with the kids, the friends are loud and scream when play.
How can a 'talk softly' environment be created?

Monday, September 22, 2008


jw 是个聪明伶俐的孩子。上半年的学业是名列前茅的。
这下半年,明显地退步了。 多多少少是因为她的自满。哀哉,可惜。

Friday, September 19, 2008

why shout?

i can't stand on him. ok, not just him, but some of them.
They can shout and yell while playing with each other;
but when come to read, they can hardly open their mouth to read, and sound are soft enough even I want it to be as loud as he can.
i know it's part of my failure: even I can't promise myself not to scold and shout:(

Thursday, September 18, 2008


曾经答应过自己要给他们爱, 可是... ...我一次又一次地食言:(

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


今天第一次和拼concert rehersal,yc 和 jw 从高凳上摔下。
jw 是个有性格的女孩,不哭、也没叫;
yc 则是第一时间哭着要mummy。

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


当小孩说“不”的时候,大人就要顺着他吗? 当然得分析事情的逻辑、好坏吧。
amei“不要”写字。 我尽量‘施软’,说服了她, “两行就行了。”
写完了两行... ...“今天你再写多一行,明天就可以写少一行哦。”

Monday, September 15, 2008


最近发现day care 那几个小精灵,明明是睡醒了,却还继续地装睡。

Friday, September 12, 2008


我... 无聊地站着、奏热闹地看着。

Thursday, September 11, 2008



Wednesday, September 10, 2008


dan n farah r active. Pity to see them doing the 'paperwork' all day long.
Thought of computer, they also like it much. but then...
I saw them punching the door, messed up the children's chart, and ran out. They r having fun! Though the floor outside is dusty, but they hv no worry.
So, since they r having fun, so i change my mind to give them running all about, finding back the stickers that hv been torn out juz now.
4 missing, aqa managed to get back 2. He has great observation during the runs;)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


i'm trying hard to avoid using cane. but they juz can't listen to me. i lost my voice yelling n warning. it juz won't work. My voice can't compete with their noise.
Someone, pls help me...

Monday, September 8, 2008



Friday, September 5, 2008


aqa learnt to write '6' yesterday.
Today i checked his book, his '6' are nice; but i was in shocked when i realized that he has been writing '6' non-stop for more than 8 pages!!! 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666

Thursday, September 4, 2008

“mei, 这是什么?”
“dok dok 的。” (She means they are sharp.)
“牛的头上有角。 记得哦,是‘角’。”

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


是不是我的不专业? 还是家长们有什么不满意之处? 给机会让我们改进; 让我们一起努力---为孩子。

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

cy's sick

1st time i handle a really sick tot. At first i thought it was ok, he was ok, cos he still asking permission from me to play more.
during break, he has no appetite to eat. His forehead can boil an egg!
then teacher Kan asked, "y wait? u should call his parent!" yes. that's what i suppose to do.
cy has no mood to do anything including play. He can hardly even to stand straight and walk. i held him in my arms.
soon, his babysitter came and took him back.