25th Anniversary: Graduation, Family Day and Children's Day Celebration

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


When he sees me, he knows that I'll be teaching them Chinese phonics on the day.
It's like a routine; even I didn't ask them to, but the reverse: he ask me to play him the "a,a,a!" songs (phonics songs).
Even they can't say the words, or sing them out completely, but I know they've learn them through their listening of the rhymes and songs.


Unknown said...

hello irene..i can't find any place to leave my messages. so, i just leave it as a comment. suk choo sent me this link. interesting one. i'll drop by to read when i'm free. its in my "favourites" list. good job...beng

irene said...

Thanks bud, u've cheer my day;)