25th Anniversary: Graduation, Family Day and Children's Day Celebration

Thursday, March 26, 2009


hx always bully yx, not only yx, but almost every friends that play with him.
i assume his parents and family know how his behaviour, because they are those that closest to him.
but i always heard principal said that his parent complained, complain about somehow teachers beat him, not only hand, but his body.
I don't know about other teachers, but for me, if i see any bully incidents he makes, i'll sure scold him and warn him, for the serious cases (scratch his friends, push his friends until fall down 'bong' the floor and so many more) I'll beat; his hands are naughty, so i beat his hands, no else where. I beat with my hand, not rotan, even my hand feel the pain, but he had no rasa. And he knows, why i beat him.

父母,小朋友不止与大人接触,小朋友与小朋友之间的接触也难免会有身体之间的磨擦、会有口角、跌倒,甚至打架,就像大人啊;这自然法规难道您也要担心? 太过受保护的孩子,会有机会学会人情世故吗?几时他们才会自立自理? 让他吧,放手吧!由他去飞。

3 years old are keras kepala betul! 有了他们,多了笑声,也多了很多气。

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