25th Anniversary: Graduation, Family Day and Children's Day Celebration

Friday, February 27, 2009

there are 2 possibilities

we continued our art and craft without her. At first, i tried to pujuk her to do the arts, but she was still in her mood. “让她吧,不用理她; 过一会儿她就会自己过去的。”
Yes, indeed. After she saw her friends with their incredible art works, she was coming for her art and craft:)

but, sometimes, ignorance just won't work. children like wh need to pujuk,even he did wrong. He need attention.

Different children, different possibilities.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


今天我又生气了。其实是气自己,可是, 都发泄在无辜的小孩身上。

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


cx恐怕有学习障碍,读字卡还行,读书就有困难了。我不晓得为什么:同一个字,字卡-认得出;课本却很困难。 华语还可以;国语却真的很糟糕。sukukata是会的;却不能读出整个perkataan来。
读书要他命; 玩却可以忘形。 哀。

Feb 24 - 就是爱你

“就是爱你” - 那种感觉。
这次劝了好几次,他还是无动于衷; 我来硬的了:藤鞭!
没料到,过没多久, 他不但没生我的气,且又粘着我了。

Monday, February 23, 2009

3 years old conversation

rubenesh is indian background; hx is chinese background.
The floor is wet, it was raining.
they know not to step and run on the wet floor...
rubenesh: (pointing the wet floor)"bong, bong." [meaning that stepping outside might fall down.]
hx: "no, no." [then he told in chinese: can not go out, you will fall down.]

Friday, February 20, 2009

Feb 20, their colour

i used to let the children to choose the colour they like to colour their drawing. n i gathered their works: wa has the most Orange, tete has Green, py has Red and Edward has Yellow!
last time, when i refused to let wa has Orange, he was upset, and refused to colour.

"Don't you think it's beautiful if u draw it colourful?"

Thursday, February 19, 2009

simple shaker

"why are u doing this?" a friend asked me when i was working 'hard' to do the simple shakers.
Today is the 1st time they tired the shakers. they were having fun, just as i thought.
Sometimes, a simple toy is enough to lights up their lives.

Feb 18 - everytime she cries during my lesson

hr is new.
it's ok if u dono, even u don't understand. Just ask, and study harder.
i need u to open your mouth, open your mind for me.
cry won't help, it'll worsen the situation.
i try my best not to yell at u, not to scold u, not to be angry with u. but your 'keep on' crying makes me almost burst out.
Pls, stop crying next time; we'll try harder together, i'll be along your side, dear; u'll get through it; u'll be getting better de. trust in you, trust in me:)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

they r just fine:)

morning, they saw me, seems like they r in need of me: 1 holding my left hand, another on my right, one more in front of me.
back to class, we read ABC(i assisted). in a sudden, principal called; the moment i left the room, i heard the 2 'babies' cried, but i have to go...
back from business, teacher said they were doing well without me. they colored, they read, they write;)

Feb 16 - 今天我大开‘鞭’戒!

不是第一次了,是每次! 每次!! 每次,如果有我在,就会边偷偷玩、给我骂了、喊了,就才‘推一次,做一下’;
我不在? 更是天翻地覆唯独我不见,逐渐可以为所欲为。

Sunday, February 15, 2009

13 Feb - how to treat stubborner?

She wants it, then it means that she have to get it no matter what; if she don't wants it, means there's nothing to do to make her wants it.
How to handle such stubborner? just leave it alone. never ever force her. no forcing!
i got my lesson now.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

mini size

Jasmine likes him - yx, as much as i do.
She is 4, yx is 4 too. but 1 is Jan, 1 is Dec.
"He is cute, he is mini size." :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ask for more

i saw cy having her bread in her mouth - full mouth. then i saw her waiting for another piece, after then she was asking for another more from teacher again!

Feb 10 - their thought

When ly firstly came to school, she never cried for mummy, but just a little sob once a while. Now she cried, after 1 month here.
“我以前都没有哭。 因为我告诉mummy 说我要读书,所以我不哭。”
There must be some reasons behind what she'd say. but i managed to get her to class, and join with her classmates: we sang, we danced, we read, we wrote, we drew, we played; there were so much to learn a day:)

Monday, February 9, 2009

6 Feb - "i cried today"

"because i want u", xiang said.
another xiang's parent called today; xiang absents today because he cried and said, "i don't want Miss Lim."
i noe the other xiang don't like to be with me, even when i try to come near to him. But he does talk to me, and shared a lot of his stories! So, please don't blame me that his absence is because of me.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


不忍心看yx他哭得那么可怜。 可是我得放放手,不能让他如此任性。
我看,其他老师也是拿他没办法; 他就是不肯进课室。
忍心托他给其他老师后,就到外办事了。 回来一看... ...
我拿了一些字卡和玩具,和他一起坐下。 他认图不错! 而且口才一级棒! 唯独还需要努力的是:去掉“要抱抱”的习惯。
园长提醒了我:"that's why we need to study every single child." 真心付出你对他的爱,他会感受到的。 只一味“stop crying... no crying”是不济于事的。

4 Feb - cry while read, sing and cry - simultaneously

can u imagine that? how can one cry and read at the same time, and more amazing is --- sing and cry simultaneously too!
Don't know what happened to wq today, but she had stomach-ache early morning, since then, she kept asking for mummy. She acted incredibly when we were ready for the class dismiss.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

oww.. it's pain!

gareth fell down, on the road (he said).
Yesterday his wound almost heal but with the 'fragile' temporary skin that can be seen transparently,
but then today..., he's here with his wound --- double hurt.
妈妈为他清洗伤口及敷药布的时候;痛得他大哭大叫,妈妈也痛在心里: "slowly... it's very pain!!!" he kept repeating to his mum. 血粘着纱布,那伤口的肉也随之粘着纱布,每一撕,血随流,妈妈也每一拔,每每痛。

Monday, February 2, 2009

no cry

6-years-old. newbie here - hr. know nothing much, but good in writing.
i don't want her to peep. Let it be, and I wish to teach you, until u get it. then u'll learn. Please, i have no intention to make u down. I need just your learning heart. u'll be getting better;)have trust in u!