25th Anniversary: Graduation, Family Day and Children's Day Celebration

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

in aeroplane

"Where's your mummy?"
"She went to aeroplane already."

"Where's your daddy then?"
"He also in the aeroplane."

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


因为他爱做不做的样子,功课虽不见得很多,可是要他做好一半的功课也得用上整个下午, (可能也未必能完成50%)。
不是不会做,是他好玩, 心不在焉。 (都是我的看法。)

wow! 关我什么事? 真的不关我的事。 干嘛要气,他不做也不关我事,我干嘛要多管闲事?!
**他不是5-6岁的孩子了。 我还能'mole'他??
孺子可教, 他不是不可教, 是父母疏忽没有教? 天知道。
藤鞭万能么?? 成绩名列前茅就是好么?? 怎么大人还比小孩天真?!

Monday, September 28, 2009


ooo... 原来‘小班’就是Ben 10.

Friday, September 18, 2009


就是因为他们只不过是四岁,就放纵他们,由得他们心情好的时候给我跟着读一两句; 不喜欢就让他们自由活动??

“如果现在不跟着大伙儿读,那过后就你一个人读。 其他人都可以玩拼图,就只有你要留下-一个人从头读起!” 我真的有点儿气了。 她宁可私下和同学玩,也不跟大队朗读。

Thursday, September 17, 2009


because of the hyperactive 3 years old, i have to 'beg' for their co-operation 1st before we start our circle time.

"求求你,sit nicely and take turn, ok?" that's what i wish.

After school, then i heard someone imitate what i told them this morning.
“... 求求你, 不要那么坏蛋好不好? ... ...” guess who? ------ He's the 3-year-old hx.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

stop wandering!

"i asked you to put your sweet into your bag, but u've opened it, and ate it."
"now, where you want to go now? Come back to the circle! You are going no where!"
she shook her head. but also, have to listen to me.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


"擦擦擦, 擦擦你的手... ..."
^^ ^^, "是因为你的手肮脏咯。"

14 Sept 2009 - are you feeling frustrated?

"Are you feeling frustrated today?"
"then why you keep sighing and get angry?"
"because my cousin kept buzzing in my ears yesterday."

Friday, September 11, 2009


帮他搽药,好像动到他的笑觉了, 就一直不停地笑,直到我停止为止。
hahahaa... hahaha... hehehehee... hehehee...

Thursday, September 10, 2009


This is what they know about 'cake'...

"let's see how to make a cake."
"no need so troublesome to make a cake, we can straight away buy it."
"no, no. We have to sing song first."
"sing the birthday song, then only we can eat the cake."

That what cakes are for... ...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009



Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"u make triangle?"

"u make triangle?" hx asked me this when he saw me folding a plastic bag.
"Yes. How you know that, clever boy?"
Yes, he's clever, and he can simply recalls what he'd see, read, sing and learn before.

He saw me fold the plastic bag last time, and he asked, "what are you doing?"
Now he knows what i'm doing. "you are making triangle."

Monday, September 7, 2009

has / have

we have learnt this grammar weeks ago. But i can't the right answers from kc after i asked him to redo and redo and redo.

"He have a banana."
"It has a banana."
"She have a banana."

everytime i asked for redo, he must had put the 'have' in his sentences.
Then, finally we revised again for the 'has' and 'have'. Have him read out "He has, She has, It has... sentences".
And i asked him again for what we've revised.

He told me, "but there is the 'have' word in the choice, why we no need to use that word in our sentences?"

it was the reason why he kept using the word 'have' in his 'He.. She.. It..' sentences.

Friday, September 4, 2009

he read, just because i want him to



Thursday, September 3, 2009

"say sorry hx"

these 3 years old tots are too intelligent. They know they need to be good in front of you, but when u let them themselves, something amaze will always happen.

hx was doing his coloring. Rubenesh came up, wanted to give a hand as well.
then hx was not welcoming what he did. "say sorry hx, say sorry." He wanted Rubenesh to say sorry because of not asking permission from him to help in his coloring. ^^

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

cy cough

cy coughed in the car.
"cy, stop coughing. you need to wear a mask if you cough, or else, i'll send you back home now." i was half joking, try to make her not coughing inside the car.

When we arrived Seri Suria, and get ready for the rehearsal; they all lined up according to their performance dances.
"Did cy still coughing here?"
They shaking their heads.
"Good, cy. You finally stop coughing."

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


before the school break, teacher asked them to leave a leaf in their textbook. And now they get to see the leaf had change its colour - normally from green to brown.

Then we got to see a 'black' one.
cy said, "它死了。"